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Landed Gentry. Family, Tradition, Property, Generational Wealth and other good stuff.

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GitCode, a git-hosting website operated Chongqing Open-Source Co-Creation Technology Co Ltd and with technical support from CSDN and Huawei Cloud.

It is being reported that many users' repository are being cloned and re-hosted on GitCode without explicit authorization.

There is also a thread on Ycombinator (archived link)


Shout out to my homies in the classics department.


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The video is not real, but very cool editing.


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Archived link

Machinery used to manufacture Russian armaments is being imported into Russia despite sanctions. However, to properly function, machines require components, as well as “brains” — which must also be imported. Without the manufacturer’s key, the machine cannot start, and without the software, it cannot operate. So, if imports are banned, how are these systems entering the country?

How Russia operates Western machinery

A machine is activated using an activation key, which is issued by the manufacturer after the sale and delivery of the product. Due to sanctions, Western firms cut ties with Russian clients, meaning munitions factories cannot legally obtain machinery or keys. Meanwhile, certain machines are equipped with GPS trackers, which enable manufacturers to know the location of their products. So, how can sanctions be circumvented under these conditions? One option is purchasing a machine without a GPS (or disabling it), and using the machine in, say, China, at least on paper.

An IStories journalist posing as a client contacted the Russian company Dalkos, which advertised services for supplying imported machinery on social media. A Dalkos employee explained that they make “fictitious sales” of equipment from the manufacturer to a “neighboring country”: “We provide these documents to the manufacturer. They check everything and give us feedback. They either believe us, allowing us to resolve our [Russian] customer’s problem… or they don’t believe us, and we respond that we couldn’t [buy the machine].” After the company in the “neighboring country” contacts the Western manufacturer, the latter sends the machine’s specifications, indicating whether GPS tracking is installed or not. “If we know that location tracking is installed, enabling them to see that it’s going to Russia — hence meaning we won’t be able to activate it — we’ll just tell you upfront that we can’t deliver the equipment,” the supplier explained. If everything goes smoothly, the machine along with the keys will be purchased by an intermediary company, and then Dalkos will import it into Russia and activate it at the client’s facility.

If a problem occurs with the machine’s computer system, the client should inform Dalkos, which will pass the information to the intermediary under whom the order was registered, and they will contact the manufacturer. The Russian enterprise should not seek customer support from the manufacturer directly: “You will simply compromise the legitimacy of our legal entity, which presents itself as an organization not connected to the Russian Federation in any way.”

The Dalkos website indicates that the company supplies equipment from multiple Western firms, including Schaublin, DMG MORI, and Kovosvit MAS. According to customs data from 2023, Dalkos received goods worth 188 million rubles ($2,120,000) from Estonia through the Tallinn-based company SPE (coincidentally belonging to the co-owners of Dalkos, Alexander Pushkov and Konstantin Kalinov) — with a UAE company acting as the intermediary party.The imported goods included components produced by the German machine tool manufacturer Trumpf.

The Dalkos employee stated that the company has “skilled guys” who manage to successfully circumvent sanctions: “We must import and help enterprises in these difficult times somehow.” According to him, in 2023, the company imported equipment and components worth 4.5 billion rubles ($50 million), and this year has signed contracts worth 12.5 billion rubles ($141 million). According to SPARK, the company’s revenue reached approximately 4.4 billion rubles (almost $50 million) in 2023.

During these “difficult times,” Dalkos assists enterprises in Russia’s military-industrial complex. IStories analyzed the company’s financial documents and found that, in 2023, its clients included the Dubna Machine-Building Plant (drones), Uralvagonzavod (tanks), and the Obukhov State Plant (air defense).

What if a machine is required but it has built-in GPS? According to the Dalkos employee, the company’s “multi-billionaire” clients have found technical specialists who can disable GPS trackers. This topic is widely discussed on machinery chat forums. Our journalist tracked down a company that offers machine modernization services, promising to disable a GPS for between half a million to a million rubles ($5600 - $11,200).

How Russia uses Western software

Humans communicate with machines via a computer. Designing a part requires Computer-Aided Design (CAD) software; to manufacture it, Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAM) software is required, and so forth. These and other programs are integrated in a special digital environment, not dissimilar to how we install individual applications on iOS or Android operating systems. The environment in question is called PLM — Product Lifecycle Management, which refers to the strategic process of managing the lifecycle of a product from design and production to decommissioning. Nowadays, systems simply cannot function without PLM.

In Russia, the PLM market is dominated by Siemens (Germany), PTC (USA), and Dassault (France). Naturally, all these companies were linked to the military-industrial complex (for example, here and here) and now, formally at least, comply with sanctions. The IStories journalist, under the guise of a client, spoke with several Russian PLM suppliers.

An employee at Yekaterinburg-based PLM Ural — a long-time supplier of Siemens PLM — said that they still have licenses available: “We have a pool of perpetual licenses that we’re ready to sell. The only problem is that they can’t receive the latest software updates. I think they’re from 2021 or 2022.” According to him, these versions will function for another 10-15 years, but if problems occur, the company’s own specialists will resolve them. “They [Siemens employees] can’t disable it [PLM] because the file works completely autonomously. They don’t have access. Such closed-loop PLM solutions are installed in many defense enterprises,” stated the PLM Ural employee.

A Russian PLM specialist confirmed to IStories that this is exactly how it works. Additionally, according to him, PLM distributors can unlawfully reuse the same license across several factories if their manufacturing processes are unconnected. The possibility of such a scheme was confirmed by another specialist.

The Dassault Systemes website continues to reference its Moscow office. Our journalist contacted the establishment before being redirected to the Russian IT company, IGA Technologies. A company employee recommended the purchase of a PLM 3Dexperience system. According to him, their firm has a partner in the Netherlands who can access the software, “because we are an official partner of Dassault.” However, the Russian client does not purchase the software program per se: “From a documentation standpoint, it’s processed as a service provision. But it isn’t a software purchase. We don’t sell any software because it is, in fact, pirated.” “This is a well-established practice,” — the employee clarified — “I have more than ten clients currently using the system. We started doing this after the sanctions were imposed, which caused issues with license keys. And we had deals that were approved and paid for before the sanctions were introduced... but they couldn’t deliver the keys to us.”

IStories identified Dassault’s partner in the Netherlands — Slik Solutions (formerly IGA Technologies) — via their website. It is primarily owned by the Russian company Implementa (per the company’s own disclosure in 2022), while a third of Implementa is owned by IGA Technologies (according to current data from the Russian company register).

“We can still contact technical support in the West for various issues, and they actually respond,” revealed an employee at IGA Technologies. However, according to him, this is not a particularly sought after service, since PLM works so faultlessly on servers that the need to source an upgrade is unlikely: “The system is so effective that it could automate the whole of Roscosmos for ten years without interruption.”

According to IGA Technologies’ financial documents for 2023 acquired by IStories, its clients include the NL Dukhov All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Automatics (nuclear munitions), the Raduga State Machine-Building Design Bureau (missiles), the Rubin Central Design Bureau for Marine Engineering (submarines), and the Kirov Plant Mayak (anti-aircraft missiles).

PLM from the American software giant PTC is sold in Russia by Productive Technological Systems (PTS), whose clients include enterprises in the military-industrial complex. A PTS employee reassured us that if critical problems arise that cannot be resolved by the Russian contractors’ technical support team, their company will contact the manufacturer: “We have access to PTC’s technical support, and we can contact them if necessary. Generally, we support all the systems ourselves because we understand how they work.”

PTS’ financial documents indicate that its clients included the MNPK Avionika (missiles and bombs), the NL Dukhov All-Russian Research Institute of Automatics (nuclear munitions), and the Central Scientific Research Institute of Chemistry and Mechanics (munitions).

Responses without answers

IStories attempted to contact all the companies mentioned in this article.

Trumpf was the only manufacturer to respond with a generic statement reminiscent of those given by other large Western manufacturers. Trumpf asserts that they comply with all sanctions and officially exited Russia in April 2024, but it cannot speak for its buyers, who may buy or resell products anywhere. For instance, the Estonian company SPE has not received goods directly from Trumpf since 2018, but nothing prevents it from trading through other dealers. The same is true of Dalkos, which has been a client since 2016.

PLM Ural replied that it stopped selling licensed Siemens PLM software in 2022.

So far, no one else has responded.


Someone staaahp this! That archaeologist has a family!


Who uses google any more? The reference to "ink-related hostage situation" in this article from The Verge made me snort/chuckle, but really, google is itself a hostage situation. It's all stick and no carrot, because you're the hostage who has to give more and more personal data on a futile attempt to get some kind of empathy from your captors, who are selling your data to any one with a dirty ol dime. The only way to win is not to play. If you're still paying for Google products with your money or your personal data, why? Let's help be reposting the Verge article linked above, for the lulz and to flatter the algorithmn into allowing an embarassing troll article going to the top of non sponsored results.


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They need help scanning twenty more pallets of stuff.


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An eerie glow has been emanating from Wales' forests and rockpools for the country's annual dark skies week.

David Atthowe, a nature guide from Norwich, was invited to shine his ultraviolet (UV) torches on some of the best nature spots in Pembrokeshire and Monmouthshire.

His photos of temperate rain forest in Wales reveal shapes, structures and colours that rival a coral reef.

"It is hidden from our human senses, waiting to be discovered," he said.

The 34-year-old is on a one-man mission to shine UV light on what he calls a "magic world" in which plants and animals fluoresce to communicate.

"Wales is so lucky to have so many beautiful sites [for biofluorescence] with its rockpools and temperate rainforest," he said.


I don't even live in Oklahoma any more and only lived in Norman very briefly in the oughts. Therefore, I am the point man on this. Any one who misses making fun of Oklahoma and maybe even misses the state just a little bit, this one's for you. You are not alone. Remember to call your grandma or grandma-adjacent today. It's okay to admit that you might want to trade your original in for a cuddlier, less judgemental update. Maybe it wasn't fresh cookies and mumus on the lanai [or seriously, emotional availability] or other things you needed. The beauty of this life God has given us is that we can adopt grandma-adjacents, old people who inspire us, into our lives any time we like. You can take yours to the Wallsmart or the hair salon and mock people together. The world is wide and there are old people out there who will happily hang out on the lanai with you. Holy Advent and Merry Christmas, keep it between the mayonnaise and the mustard, i.e., keep moving/don't give up. You were born for hope, not for despair. We still have Bill Murray.


Fascinating and based article from Scientific American on why it will be difficult to conceive babies in space and carry a pregnancy successfully. I didn't know that International Space Station astronauts lose that much bone density from microgravity during their stay. For an adult in his or her thirties or forties, that might be too much mineral to get back, even with ideal health and reconditioning regimens after getting home. Women with osteoporosis have prescription drugs they can take to slow down this type of mineral loss, do we even know how those work in microgravity?


There's much more to bulk shopping for staples than the big box stores. EZ Prepping has a searchable directory of stores and markets, so you can shop like a stone cold Mennonite saver. Things I've noticed about shopping at Amish or Mennonite stores: 1.) Many are not listed online, you have to find them in the local paper or word of mouth. That's how I found "Sunny Gardens" in Lamar, MO. 2.) Call before you go, as many of them change their hours based on seasons and stock availability. These are mostly family-run, small places. If Grandma is at her heart appointment and can't man the cash register, then that's it for the day. 3.) Bring your own shopping bags. 4.) Less packaging on everything. They buy in bulk and re-sell most items in smaller packaging labeled and sold by weight. 5.) Take your time shopping, they're also selling chickens, nursery stock and a bunch of other stuff, they'll get to you when they can. Again, family-run. 6.) Bring cash, these are low volume places and the credit card transaction fees, IF they take credit cards, might be punitive for the owners. 7.) There might be a minimum charge to use a debit or credit card. 8.) There probably won't be a public bathroom. 9.) You will meet cool people who know how to raise their own food. The ladies at Sunny Gardens didn't mind being asked about hyperlocal gardening stuff- climate, planting dates, soil, what works and what doesn't. Asking "what is worth my time to grow around here?" can unlock a wealth of experience and information. Don't just go by books, Rodale Press doesn't know shit about what to grow in Missouri or Kansas and I'm calling them out, right here, right now. Rodale, you are not the be all and end all. There are neatly dressed old ladies in kerchiefs who will tell you how it is.


REPOST MEME. When I used auto complete at login to fill in my email addy, I broke Jerboa and had to uninstall. Downloading Connect instead. I use the Play Store, because I need gratification without actually finding a solution. I reported this to the admins. LEMMY IN ARRRGH I'VE GOT FOMO YOU OWE ME DOPAMINERGIC BLISS


She hadn't let water touch her perm in decades, except at the salon. She loved her possibly immortal cat and watching real estate flipping shows. She wore a ton of makeup, only "Merle Norman" brand. I know you're busy, but call your grandma today. (Calling someone else's grandma is ok, too.)


Simple, clean doomsday clock for Reddit, so we can grieve. Farewell, opening share price. Farewell, venture capitalists. Farewell, Huffman's hopes to run his own North Korea. Why the pic? Because sometimes rotting squirrel is all there is to eat and we've got to make the best of it. The squirrel is Reddit and the turtle is us. Artist Credit: @relected


Rate Limit Exceeded errors have become my new best friend on Jerboa. I finally looked up the bleedin' definition. Provides an explanation and advice here that any normies can understand. This article helped me make peace with my constant RLEs! It just means that is experiencing very high traffic! :::: Bernie Sandersvoice:::: Dat's a good thing! ::::Bernie Sandersvoice::::


Eye-opening article from Wired's Cory Doctorow on how Amazon pushed competitors out of the market and forced sellers to sell with them, all WITHOUT violating anti-trust laws. Amazon is a perfect example of subtle "enshittification".

Did I mention that AMZN is a big-time corporate supporter of Planned Parenthood? Supporting Planned Parenthood, which is just another corporation that happens to sell human body parts along with its many other revenue streams, is just one of the ways that AMZN corners the market, concentrating their customer pool over time and ensuring that YOUR money doesn't go to your children or your chosen charities through tangible and intangible inheritance, but straight into their corporate pockets, where it will never come back to communities, charities and families. Families are not their most valuable profit centers. Single, desperately lonely 40 year olds living in condos are. It's in their best interest to keep you buying at the store of everything, distracted, frightened and compliant. It's hard to break away from their tentacles, but this year of our Lord 2023, let's promise our loved ones that we will work a little bit harder to find funny socks or a baby shower gift. We can all do better, because Doctorow's piece about what Amazon has become sounds like an analysis of an abusive relationship.