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Are you shipping your dev environment? Let me show you how we can use Buildx in Docker to go from 2.5Gb to just 5Mb.


I have a docker compose file with a bind volume. It basically mounts /media/user/drive/media to the container's /mnt.

It works as expected when /media/user/drive/ is mounted and its media folder has the files I want the container to see.

However, as it's a network drive, the container usually tries to start before it is mounted, so it would throw the error that /media/user/drive/media doesn't exist. So I created an empty folder in /media/user/drive called media while the drive was not mounted so that at least the container starts with the volume /mnt being empty until the network drive gets mounted and all the files appear at /media/user/drive/media.

To my surprise, when the drive gets mounted, even though if I do ls /media/user/drive/media it lists the drive contents correctly, the container still sees /mnt empty.

How would I go about getting the drive files inside the docker container when it automatically starts?


I am hoping that you awesome people can help me with something I've noticed in my Plex logs. Quick notes on my set up:

Mini PC running Ubuntu 22.04, portainer, Plex, arrs and calibre all running in docker. All of these except Plex are using a bridge network that I created in portainer. The PC is connected to the router by ethernet cable, and I have set up a static IP in the router settings. I have also added the static IP info into the network settings in Ubuntu.

The following text is repeated over and over in the Plex Media Server log, about 6 seconds apart. My playback is mostly fine, but I have been experiencing buffering. Regardless this can't be right!.

n.b. I did post elsewhere but I feel that this is not necessarily Plex related and you can likely help with this more technical question.

DEBUG - NetworkInterface: received Netlink message len=88, type=RTM_DELADDR, flags=0x0 Aug 22, 2024 18:51:49.636 [139016208919352] DEBUG - NetworkInterface: Netlink address message family=2, index=3, flags=0x0 Aug 22, 2024 18:51:49.636 [139016208919352] DEBUG - Network change. Aug 22, 2024 18:51:49.636 [139016208919352] DEBUG - NetworkInterface: Notified of network changed (force=0) Aug 22, 2024 18:51:49.637 [139016208919352] DEBUG - Network change notification but nothing changed.


I have readarr and all other arrs working in Ubuntu with docker portainer. I followed the trash guides and LinuxServerio guides to get me this far. I want to expand my book library, and so I have added calibre.

After having calibre import my book library, I went to readarr to delete the root, and re-add it with the new path to the calibre library. I am having problems with the Calibre Settings on the Add Root page.

The calibre server is listening at, port 8081, HTTP. I have created a user account on the calibre "sharing over the net" page. In readarr, I have set the Calibre Host to and the Calibre Port to 8081. When I click save, I get the error Unknown exception: Http request timed out.

Most of the guides I have found are 3 or 4 years old. On one guide the Calibre Host was set to: calibre. That doesn't work. Setting the Host to the IP of my server doesn't work either.

Can any one help? I don't know if I have a permissions or firewall problem, or if I am just doing something wrong. The calibre logs are not showing any issues. I have copied the .yaml files used below.


  • calibre:
  • image:
  • container_name: calibre
  • security_opt:
    • seccomp:unconfined
  • environment:
    • PUID=1000
    • PGID=1000
    • TZ=Europe/London
    • CLI_ARGS = #optional
  • volumes:
    • /data/calibre:/config
    • /data/Media/calibre:/library
    • /data/Media/books:/upload
  • ports:
    • 8080:8080
    • 8081:8081
  • restart: unless-stopped


  • readarr:
  • image:
  • container_name: readarr
  • environment:
    • PUID=1000
    • PGID=1000
    • TZ=Europe/London
  • volumes:
    • /data/readarr:/config
    • /data/Media/calibre:/library
    • /data/Media/downloads:/downloads
  • ports:
    • 8787:8787
  • restart: unless-stopped

Hi everyone !


Was a long ride since 3 years ago I started my first docker container. Learned a lot from how to build my custom image with a Dockerfile, loading my own configurations files into the container, getting along with docker-compose, traefik and YAML syntax... and and and !

However while tinkering with vaultwarden's config and changing to postgresSQL there's something that's really bugging me...


  • How do you/devs choose which database to use for your/their application? Are there any specific things to take into account before choosing one over another?

  • Does consistency in database containers makes sense? I mean, changing all my containers to ONLY postgres (or mariaDB whatever)?

  • Does it make sense to update the database image regularly? Or is the application bound to a specific version and will break after any update?

  • Can I switch between one over another even if you/devs choose to use e.g. MariaDB ? Or is it baked/hardcoded into the application image and switching to another database requires extra programming skills?

Maybe not directly related to databases but that one is also bugging me for some time now:

  • What's redis role into all of this? I can't the hell of me understand what is does and how it's linked between the application and database. I know it's supposed to give faster access to resources, but If I remember correctly, while playing around with Nextcloud, the redis container logs were dead silent, It seemed very "useless" or not active from my perspective. I'm always wondering "Humm redis... what are you doing here?".

Thanks :)


Edit - marking as solved.

  • Remote path: /home/seedit4me
  • local path: /data

This is now working, I don't know why it wasn't before. ‐------------

I have followed the docs and have the recommended folder structures for my Plex and arrs setup.

sonarr has a volume set as /data which gives it access to e.g. /data/usenet/downloads This is working fine with SABnzdb

I am using a seedbox for torrents. Looking at ruTorrent on the seedbox, I can see that the local download folder there is set to: /home/seedit4me/torrents/rtorrent

sonarr is reporting "No files found are eligible for import in:

  • /home/seedit4me/torrents/rtorrent/Completed/tv-sonarr/filename.mkv

I have set a remote path in the download clients page in sonarr as follows:

  • Host - ****
  • Remote path: /home/seedit4me
  • local path: /data

I have ftp'd the mkv file to actual folder structure:

  • /data/torrents/rtorrent/Completed/tv-sonaar/filename.mkv

The permissions on this file are:

  • -rw-rw-r--

the folder permissions are:

  • drwxrwxr-x 2 myacct myacct 4096 Aug 2 11:41 .
  • drwxrwxr-x 3 myacct myacct

My uid=1000(my acct), same for gid I have set these as the PUID and PGID env variables in sonarr

The log file in sonarr is reporting: |Error|DownloadedEpisodesImportService|Import failed, path does not exist or is not accessible by Sonarr: /home/(removed)/torrents/rtorrent/Completed/tv-sonarr/filename.mkv

Seeing this, i tried mapping /home/(removed)/ to /data/ but that doesn't work either.

Can anyone guide me on what I am doing wrong? I feel like I've checked everything so I can't understand the issue at all.---


I am working on this django docker project template with this certbot setup, Dockerfile

FROM certbot/certbot:v1.27.0

COPY /opt/
RUN chmod +x /opt/

ENTRYPOINT ["/opt/"]



set -e

echo "Getting certificate..."

certbot certonly \
    --webroot \
    --webroot-path "/vol/www/" \
    -d "$DOMAIN" \
    --email $EMAIL \
    --rsa-key-size 4096 \
    --agree-tos \

if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
    echo "Certbot encountered an error. Exiting."
    exit 1

#for copying the certificate and configuration to the volume
if [ -f "/etc/letsencrypt/live/${DOMAIN}/fullchain.pem" ]; then
    echo "SSL cert exists, enabling HTTPS..."
    envsubst '${DOMAIN}' < /etc/nginx/ > /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf
    echo "Reloading Nginx configuration..."
    nginx -s reload
    echo "Certbot unable to get SSL cert,server HTTP only..."

echo "Setting up auto-renewal..."
apk add --no-cache dcron
echo "0 12 * * * /usr/bin/certbot renew --quiet" | crontab -
crond -b

problem with this setup is,certbot exits after initial run of getting the certificate and when it's renew time it require manual intervention.

Now There are two choices

  1. set restart: unless-stopped in docker compose file so it keeps restarting the container and with cron job to renew the certificate when required.

  2. Set cron job in host machine to restart the container.

Are there any other/more option to tackle this situation.


cross-posted from:

A surprise Docker update!


I want to have a tomcat in docker and hot deploy my java stuff. Or as it has been requested here 11 years ago: and has recently implemented by IntelliJ.

Any directions?


I am running Fedora Server with Docker installed, and it has a folder that connects to my NAS via SMB. I will have all of my Docker files (and Compose configs) stored on my NAS, since it has a lot more storage. I am worried that Docker will glitch out and cause a mess, since my NAS starts ~2 minutes later than my server from a reboot. Is there something that I can do to make sure Docker is able to connect to the SMB share safely?


I have a NAS where I tested to see if some apps could run on it without a server. They overloaded the CPU, so I am now wanting to move them over to a more powerful workstation. I'm used to Compose files/configs, but it seems that my NAS uses plain Docker. Is there a way to extract the configs/long terminal setup commands? I have Portainer installed, if that makes it easier.


Note: video sponsored by Docker


cross-posted from :

I am trying to come-up with a reusable template to quickly start new projects using my prefered tools and frameworks, and I'm happy with what I got. However, using Docker is quite new for me and I've probably done some weird or unconventional stuff in my docker-compose.yml or my Dockerfiles. I'd love to learn from people with more experience with Docker, so feel free to tell me everything that is wrong with my setup.

I'm more confident about the stuff I did with Python/Django and Nuxt, but all criticism is welcome. This also applies to the readme : I'd like to provide detailed instructions about working with this project template, so please report anything that is unclear or missing.

Thank you to anyone who takes the time to check it out and help me make this useful to as many people as possible.