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Welcome to our antinatalist discussion community, a space devoted to exploring and discussing the philosophical position of antinatalism. Here, we delve into the belief that procreation is morally wrong, focusing on the ethical, ecological, and societal aspects that surround this perspective. We encourage respectful dialogues, intellectual curiosity, and an open-minded approach towards understanding the implications and challenges of antinatalism in our world.

founded 1 year ago

Not my OC, just an interesting read


Here a link more about Dale and his kids.


Life is programmed with an existence bias and the compulsion to continue on without any end goal or meaning. We will call that “the DNA delusion.”

This essay takes a position against the DNA delusion, and it is the full realization that God is dead, unlike many flavors of modern atheism which still dance with his corpse. This dance is far from a freebie, and we are about to tally the cost. This essay is one last reality check, addressing all the delusions other secular/rational/intellectual movements continue to hold dear. It exposes all the harm, insanity, fallacy, and failure caused by life's reluctance to accept certain truths.

There have been around 20 trillion trillion (trillion 2 times is not a typo) sentient life forms, including trillions of mammals and 108 billion humans that have been tortured, violated, raped, molested, degraded, and murdered by nature. Nature is more sadistic than every slaughterhouse, mass murderer, animal holocauster, serial rapist, factory farm, concentration camp, psychotic dictator, and torturer in history combined, by a margin of "trillions of trillions,” yet most people will tell you they love nature, because it looks pretty and seems beautiful when all that madness is not happening. But, actually, all that madness has been happening for hundreds of millions of years on a global scale without even one day or one minute of pause in the action.

Clearly, life is suffering, but the DNA delusion seems to have a literally undying dedication to ignoring this. Perhaps it all seems "deep and spiritual and beautiful" when you are whitewashing 540 million years worth of collateral damage. So, what does the rest of the price tag looking like? Why is this happening? And, what goes through someone's head, when, after conducting a life experiment with a DNA code that literally invented torture, they are surprised when things turn out wrong?

Because DNA evolution is just an error code, it is literally mutants and mutation, not even mutating on purpose, and the entire mutant code was strung together by chaotic incidents of physics and biology. It does not know what it is doing or that you even exist; neither DNA nor the universe has anyone's back.

All harm is being caused for no sane purpose. You have probably seen people acknowledge that life has no purpose, but the DNA delusion creeps back in like a virus and says, "life has no purpose, so you make up your own." That means senseless torture is being caused for a made-up purpose. There is no way around it, but note how life keeps fabricating and confabulating a cheat in logic to get out of this truth. The DNA delusion is an amnesiac-style twist of logic that takes many forms. The most interesting part is that people under the DNA delusion are going to be completely appalled and enraged by this idea, instead of the truth to which it simply points. The DNA delusion will redirect all rage at clusters of words like these, not the incomprehensible harm and insanity being simply exposed by these words, almost like it is manually turning the head of a rabid dog toward some unassuming irrelevant target. That is what psychology on a leash looks like.

Even supposed intellectual, rational, secular thinkers cannot seem to let this notion go. They say things like, "the universe created life so that it could," which just keeps missing the point, not only of this idea, but of evolution's truth entirely. It did not do anything so anything; it just did.

Life is an unintelligent design of chaos that just happened because it could. Most people struggle firmware-flashing this truth to their brains. This is because our collective species is still hungover from centuries of dogmatic fairytales and lies, spread and labeled onto what we ultimately exposed as a happenstance mutant molecule and carnage machine. Now, if this idea is just sobering you into the gradual understanding that an unnecessary happenstance mutant molecule and carnage machine that resulted in trillions of ongoing torture victims was not a function that has/had purpose, "goodness," or real objective, rational use, net-utility, justifiable existence, etc., then you might consider that you probably should not feed your family into it and expect it to turn out well. By the way, there is no going back now that the cat is out of the bag.

There is not a single sane, sound, or rational reason to continue the DNA life experiment. The reason it continues is because of the DNA delusion. Of course it is wise to end this gratuitous misery and net-zero biological brainwash, but when you are already in this much of a deficit, the manic members of the life casino want you to keep playing. They have absolutely no coherent goal or game theory; there is only a manic compulsion to keep going. That is the DNA delusion, the only thing truly going on inside the "logic" of life.

This madness should stop. Even scientists and great thinkers have childlike visions of living forever or putting McDonald’s on every planet. Even a lot of serious thinking intellectuals never seem to slow down or give a sober thought about what the DNA delusion of "living forever and covering the universe with yourself" is costing or that the whole notion of "wanting to live forever and cover the universe with yourself" is nothing but an impossible ruse that was burned into the hardware of all DNA organisms over the course of millennia.

What's ironic is that we are doing this 6th largest mass extinction right now based on greed for fossil fuels, animal products, and rearing pointless children who needlessly serve this "need machine." The DNA delusion creates massive war machines that could wipe out the planet, and it ravages the planet of resources, all in the name of its own delusion. This is not far off from a heroin addict that wants infinite heroin, parasites on everything around it, and then inevitably destroys itself.

DNA agents are built to destroy other DNA agents, for the sake of DNA. DNA created a global war of Team DNA vs. Team DNA; it kills the losers and then kills the winning team. Do you understand just how psychotic this experiment is?

Life creates all of its own worst problems and nightmares by the mere act of existing; needs that do not need to exist, problems that do not need to exist, yet it has the undying urge to persist this. How is this sane?

You do not accomplish anything by "creating a need and satisfying it." You do not accomplish anything by creating every problem and solving some of them (or even all of them).

DNA life is a zero sum game in every sense. Yet sometimes the DNA delusion attempts to label such objective truth as "utilitarianism,” and it shoves it back under wraps and continues being psychotic.

Coming into existence is always a serious harm and problem for everyone that can be harmed. Not coming into existence is simply never a harm and never a problem for anyone.

Every "good" in life is made of "fixing a bad"; it is all based on needs and deprivations DNA installed inside you, which continue to pose the threat of ultimate harm and anguish toward you: both if you do not satisfy these installed needs and even if you do satisfy them. It did not give you a winning move.

These are the real implications of DNA evolution and reality: the objective truth of utter peril, the one the DNA delusion does everything it can to keep under wraps.

Humans keep ignoring, keep imposing, and keep pretending that it is all somehow a big mystery, and they ignore the fact that this twisted experiment somehow does not seem to be working in life's “best interest.”


The above essay is a HEAVILY edited version of this essay, which I did not write, but which is published subject to the Creative Commons license as described here. I suppose the above essay is now a new essay subject to said Creative Commons license, and per that license, it is shared with the same license.


I really quite like Benedictines TheVegan because he seems to handle the philosophy very well. Most antinatalists I see online are seething most of the time, which I completely understand, there's a lot to be angry about, I just find it impressive how Benedictines is able to approach it in a friendly way, I think people are more likely to be receptive to the philosophy when presented the way he does it. Also, to be clear, I'm not really saying I think all antinatalists should be friendly all the time, I think some amount of aggression is warranted, as sometimes people are just genuinely evil and do not care. I have seen natalists in debates literally admit they know they're causing harm and do not care. In these cases, I say it's time for fucking war lol.

Here's his channel in case you're interested:


If anyone has any images they think would make a good banner for this community, post it here :)

Image needs to have a pretty wide aspect ratio, you can see in the link on this post an example of banners on the lemmy community browser.