Or alternativel: "If you start pooping your children inside eggs before they are born, we want you to abort them"
Yeah that's true. But the market demands it nonetheless and thus liberals are happy to use public funds to further corporate goals, even if it means that there is also some egalitarian aspect to it.
Yep that's why the left is losing voters. This is, somewhat funnily, a result of them being partly successful. One of their main programs they actually achieved back then was to make education more accessible to the lower classes. While the education systems still have a lot of flaws, they are more egalitarian than they used to be. Percentages of people with higher education have exploded. (This is of course also driven by market demand and that's why the liberals supported these policies to an extent making them possible). With this they split their former voting group into academics and non-academics. But they source a lot more party-personelle from the academic portion which leads to a feedback-loop that favours the academics. Since academics tend to have higher incomes and sometimes accumulate a little wealth they'd like to keep, the left depending on these voters looks a lot like the parties that always wanted to protect higher incomes and wealth.
The ones that were left behind by that development are the ones that got turned away from the left.
Actually Piketty writes about this in his book "capital and ideology". The left has been slowly losing support in the lower education classes which traditionally voted left, this has apparently been going on since the 1960s/70s. They either went to conservatives or stopped voting. Now that there is a new party that claims to actually listen to their concerns (even if they won't actually solve any of these concerns) causes them to flock to that party. They have been disappointed by everyone in the political system and the populists are using this to their advantage.
Nazis don't just become the way they are. There are reasons people flock to the far right. Not naming these reasons and being content with "Nazis will be Nazis" isn't productive.
Politics that consistently benefit the upper classes, while always framing the necessary helps for the weakest as stealing from the lower classes will get you there.
This didn't just happen, we did this to ourselves.
The long term strategy is to destabilise the CDU by forcing them into unfavorable coalitions. Which they have probably achieved this time. If the CDU looks bad enough in 5 years the AfD might get enough votes so that no government can be built without them
Sometimes though a judge has decided that it is factually correct to call the leader of a party a fascist because he is one
That's not a counter argument though. It's just an interesting thought experiment that doesn't relate to the above comment
I think the point is that there should be as little remembrance of the change itself. To anyone, even the government, that doesn't need to know it should look like you had that gender all along
What's being discussed by Harris/Biden is the upper tax margin for long term capital gains. If you sell a house and then buy a house, no long term capital gain there to be taxed.
But even if you just sell your house and want to go on renting for whatever reason not all of it will be taxed with that margin. Those margins apply to the amount of money that is over the cap for that margin.
For simplicity let's say there are two tax margins, 20% for capital gains below 400k and 40% above that. Then you gain 600k by selling your home. Your tax will be calculated like this:
400k * 0.2 + 200k * 0.4
So yes this might affect some house sales but depending on where that 44% margin will be applied it's only going to affect a very little percentage and likely none of the "low to middle class" house owners especially not if they sell property to immediately buy new property.
Dass es überhaupt mal umstritten war ob das überhaupt illegal ist geht mir immer noch nicht in den Kopf
Um ein bisschen unbekanntere Dinge zu nennen