
joined 4 months ago
[–] Zacryon 3 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (4 children)

Spontane Ideen: Möglichst offene und große Schutzareale errichten, in die die unwerwünschten, "überflüssigen" Tiere" dann umgesiedelt werden und dort lange und friedlich ihres natürlichen Lebens weilen, bis sie irgendwann auf natürliche Weise tot umfallen.

Noch eine Idee: Wölfe oder andere Prädatoren mit passendem Beuteschema in die jeweiligen Wälder bringen. Dann kann das von selbst für die nötige Balance im Ökosystem sorgen.

[–] Zacryon 1 points 1 month ago

Und heute wieder in: Was der manische Idiot Putin und seine bösartigen Schergen so anstellen.

[–] Zacryon 3 points 1 month ago (2 children)

The artist needs to use the brain and translate a lot, and I mean an awful lot, of the information seen in the model (3d space) into 2d.

Close one eye or put an eyepatch on. I'd expect this makes 3D -> 2D transformations easier after a while.

[–] Zacryon 1 points 1 month ago

Es ist ein Quadrat, bei dem zwei Ecken ineinandergefallen sind.

[–] Zacryon 1 points 1 month ago

Ja, allerdings wird dadurch trotzdem Alkohol aufgenommen. Wenn auch in deutlich geringeren Mengen.

[–] Zacryon 6 points 1 month ago

Bezüglich der Art, wie Alkohol üblicherweise konsumiert wird, gibt es kein Maß, das unbedenklich für die Gesundheit wäre.
Schädlich ab dem ersten Tropfen.

WHO: Beim Alkoholkonsum gibt es keine gesundheitlich unbedenkliche Menge

Alkohol ist eine toxische, psychoaktive und süchtig machende Substanz und wurde vom Internationalen Krebsforschungszentrum schon vor Jahrzehnten als Karzinogen der Gruppe 1 eingestuft – das ist die höchste Risikogruppe, zu der auch Asbest, Strahlung und Tabak gehören.

[–] Zacryon 13 points 1 month ago (10 children)

Hat jemand Beispielsätze für das drittplatzierte Wort "Schere"? In der jugendsprachlichen Bedeutung natürlich.

[–] Zacryon 22 points 1 month ago

Jede:r Zweite? Das ist immer noch zu viel.

[–] Zacryon 1 points 1 month ago

Jupp. Emotionalisierende Kampfansagen erzeugen halt Klicks und Engagement und optimieren so die Werbeeinnahmen.

Soziale Medienplattformen haben in der Regel kein Interesse an adäquater Repräsentation, sondern an Geld, weil es profitorientierte kapitalistische Unternehmen sind.

[–] Zacryon 18 points 1 month ago (1 children)

This is not entirely true though. Beliefs and opinions are heavily influenced by a lot of factors. Even educated people are not free from such errors. Like the backfire effect (Nyhan and Reifler (2010)): situations where people become more entrenched in their views when confronted with contradictory evidence.

Other studies have found that when presented with data, individuals with more education can sometimes be more divided in their beliefs, particularly when the topic is politically charged. For instance, some educated individuals may use their knowledge to selectively interpret data in ways that support their pre-existing views, a phenomenon known as "motivated reasoning." Confirmation bias relates to that. This has been observed in areas like climate change, where political and ideological factors heavily influence opinions. (See for example: )

In other words, no matter how educated or smart you are, you can still fall into ignorance and stubbornness. The key is to train your ability to think critically—especially when it comes to your own beliefs and opinions. Doing so can help you become more aware of biases and avoid common pitfalls in cognitive decision-making.

[–] Zacryon -4 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (1 children)

Are you sure?


This seems pretty nazi to me.

Tolerating civilian casualties within war-efforts is an extremely different thing than specifically favouring to hunt and eradicate them while possibly propagating some narrative like they are lesser humans or some fucked up racist shit like that. If that's your standpoint on labeling Nazis however, then every nation which ever participated in a hot war with civilian casualties is probably pretty nazi to you.

Also germans online are one of the loud supporters of yet another genocide.

Not in my experience. But sure, it's good emotional bait to blindly generalise over all germans and call them Nazis who favour genocide. How about you look for some verifiable numbers before reasoning from your individual experience with "online germans"?


Die militärische Reaktion Israels auf die Terror-Anschläge der Hamas vom 7. Oktober 2023 geht inzwischen für mehr als die Hälfte (57 Prozent) zu weit (+7 im Vgl. zu März), jeder Fünfte (21 Prozent) hält sie für angemessen (-7), für 4 Prozent geht sie nicht weit genug (-1).

Source: press report about a representative survey on the opinions of german's regarding Israel's war efforts.
(From last August.)

"The military response of Israel to the Hamas terror attacks on October 7, 2023, now goes too far for more than half (57 percent) of people (+7 compared to March), one in five (21 percent) considers it appropriate (-7), and for 4 percent it does not go far enough (-1)."

On a side note, the article you've linked from middle east monitor cited the foreign minister of Germany a bit wrong. Here is the official full translation of her speech:

With the following section in the middle east monitor article:

'Self-defence means not only attacking terrorists but destroying them. When Hamas terrorists hide behind people, behind schools… civilian places lose their protected status because terrorists abuse it.'

And here the full official translation of that part:

That’s why we have made it clear time and again that self-defence means, of course, not only attacking terrorists, but also destroying them. This’s why I have made it so clear that when Hamas terrorists hide behind people, behind schools, then we end up in very difficult waters. But we’re not shying away from this. This is why I made it clear at the United Nations that civilian sites could lose their protected status if terrorists abuse this status.

The article did not appropriately mark the sections which were omitted in the quote. It also changed words, omitted words or sections without marking it and thereby changed the tone of the quote and misrepresented it in a way significant enough for me to be so nitpicky about it.

Most importantly, the minister highlights, that terrorists abusing protected civilian sites poses a very difficult situation which could potentially lead to a loss of the protection status.

Furthermore, she goes on about the importance of humanitarian aid in Gaza. And also remarks how Germany supports the two-state solution to ensure security in the region, peace for Palestine and peace for Israel.

Does that sound like Nazis to you?

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