Der Mist sollte verboten werden. Konsumkredite sind ein guter Weg, um Leute mit wenig Geld zu ruinieren. Oft sind die Zinsen horrende, werden aber garnicht als solche wahrgenommen, weil es in absoluten Beträgen nicht so viel ist. Am Ende kommt dann dennoch Viel zusammen. Wenn sie noch irgendwelche imaginären "Währungen" dazwischenschalten, dann istder Vergleich zu Mikrotransaktionem perfekt.
Ich würde gerne auf den Hertha und seine Fans schimpfen, weiß aber leider, dass es in den ersten zwei Ligen mit Sicherheit keine Vereine gibt, wo solche Idioten nicht auch dabei sind.
Manche Vereine haben weniger davon, weil sie sich aktiv kümmern, aber ganz ohne hat es bisher keiner geschafft.
Ob es Zufall ist, dass der Chef jetzt für die CDU antreten will?
Anti-deutsch, pro Irakkrieg, über Deniz Yücel mit dem Axel-Springer Verlag verbunden.
Wenn man Geschwurbel mag, warum amerikanische Bomben gut sind, dann ist man da an der richtigen Adresse.
If the US stopped the flow of weapons and money right now, Israel wouldnt survive 3 months.
But i was told repeatedly, that Biden/Harris were only toeing the line bc. of the election and once it was over, they would change things?
Turns out the whole ordeal was yet another piss poor maneuver to lie to the people, just like that "aid pier" that ended up being used for IDF instead.
Biden and Harris will do nothing to stop Israel. They made a whole fuzz, now to have this very explicit "red line" not just to stepped over, but rolled over with a bulldozer. There is no red lines for this administration.
They haven proven once and for all, that they are no better than Trump for the Palestinians.
Etwas verspätet, weil ich erst duch einen Englischsprachigen Artikel darauf aufmerksam geworden bin.
Gehört aus meiner Sicht in den Komplex mit Amsterdam mit rein. Zum jetzigen Stand gibt es bis auf die Aussage des Vaters bzw. Kindes keine Quelle für den beschriebenen Angriff mit Messern und Stöcken. Ich finde es seltsam, dass die Polizei weder sofort, noch am selben Tag, verständigt wurde.
Die Makkabi Vereine sind in Deutschland im Dachverband Makkabi Deutschland organisiert. Der Vorsitzende Alon Meyer verlieh mit Makkabi Frankfurt im September mehreren Mitgliedern eine "Großisrael" Trophäe für ihren Einsatz in der IDF. Die Trophäe enthält neben einem Israel vom Mittelmeer bis zum Jordan auch die besetzten Golanhöhen.
Nachdem die Ausschreitungen in Amsterdam z.T. enorm verfälscht dargestellt wurden, und anti-arabischer Rassismus seitens von Maccabi Tel-Aviv Anhängern offenbar keine Verurteilung seitens europäischer Politiker wert ist, hoffe ich, dass hier Ermittlungen zügig Klarheit schaffen können.
stimmt. Ich war irgendwie auf Januar eingespielt, weil es erst hieß Vertrauensfrage im Januar. Habs korrigiert, danke :)
The only source on the alleged mob is the father of one child. Police apparently wasn't called the day of the incident, which seems quite fishy to me.
Also Makkabi clubs in Germany are celebrating the IDFs onslaught in Gaza and giving out Trophies with an Israel "from the river to the sea" and also the annexed Golan heights included.
Especially after the lies spread about Maccabi in Amsterdam i would not consider the claims of Makkabi members at face value, until verified by other sources. This does explicitly not mean that i believe what they said to have happened to be false. But they are not a trustworthy source at the moment. Especially as Iris Spranger is involved, who is not a city councillor but minister of the interior of the state of Berlin and political head of a police force internationally renown for brutalizing Palestinian protests, in particular women and children, but also antizionist Jews.
Also note how the unknown assailants were immediately "identified" as an "arab mob". Berlin is ramping up its racism against Arabs, for which the conflicts around Israels wars is the perfect pretense. Shortly before being elected as new Major, the racist Kai Wegner called for police to reveal the names of teenage suspects, so by the name it could be judged, if they were "real Germans" or merely "German citizens".
So to get this straight. Israeli government employees are attacking french government employees. But instead of sanctioning the government that is behind these attacks on french government employees, they choose to sanction some private citizens instead?
Sure those private citizens are intertwined with the government and supported by it, but this is like saying "i wont play with your little brother anymore" as a way to "stand up" to the bully that has beaten you, while you still pay him your lunch money every day.
They are pushing? Against who? The only one blocking the aid is themselves. And destroying the aid. And killing people who distribute aid. And killing starving people who want to get aid.
There is only two opponents to Ukraine aid in the current federal parliament. The neoliberal FDP who just got booted out of the government and wanted to use Ukraine aid to ransom away social security, infrastructure investments and work towards mitigating climate change, and the fascist Putin financed AfD. The FDP is Merz favorite potential next coalition partner, if they should make it to parliament again. The AfD is what Merz is working towards since three years, but cannot make a coalition yet, because he needs to work more on normalizing them first. This currently happens on local and state level.
Merz is only been "pro Ukraine" because Scholz messed up regarding Taurus missiles and because the FDP used it as ransom to ruin other aspects of the state budget. Merz focused on this message as a driving wedge in the dysfunctional, now broken coalition. There is little reason to believe, that he is genuinely caring about Ukraine, or that he would make that a deciding factor in coalition negotiations.