
joined 5 months ago
[–] Quittenbrot 16 points 1 week ago

I forgot the Baltics! How could I forget NATO members Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania (since 2004)?

Don't worry. Everyone does.

[–] Quittenbrot 29 points 1 week ago (3 children)

Wundert dich wirklich, dass Merz (und seine Partei) das Gegenteil davon machen, was in der Situation angebracht wäre?

[–] Quittenbrot 22 points 1 week ago (2 children)

Vorratsdatenspeicherung heißt jetzt Verkehrsdatenspeicherung - sonst ändert sich nix.

[–] Quittenbrot -1 points 1 week ago

Just because they are a neo-liberal rag hating on a government not sharing their delusion doesn’t make it true.

Your whole tirading always fails at this point, because the article criticises the debt brake. You bark up the wrong tree.

[–] Quittenbrot 1 points 1 week ago (2 children)

The death of the unloved “traffic-light” coalition is long overdue.

..which is a sentiment almost unanimously spread across Germany. I.e. also including those that align themselves with one of the partaking parties. No party politics (conservative spin?) here. Also, you omitted the part where it stated that such a coalition would in no case be fit to stand up against Trump, which is the point made to justify the opening "long overdue death". Would you disagree with this assessment?

Your cited passage:

Europe needs more joint money for Ukraine and a large EU budget for defence. Yet the coalition had set its face against any new version of the covid-recovery fund that has injected hundreds of billions of euros into European economies in the past three years.

Of course the Union had a blast sueing the coalition. But it wasn't who sued them that made it illegal but the constitution. In my world, it shouldn't matter who sues to determine if something is illegal or not.

But sure the debt brake “urgently needs reform, which in turn requires a new government”…

Well, yes it does! The traffic light coalition wasn't willing/able to overcome the debt brake and exploded due to this issue. So now a new government is needed. I see no party politics here. Could well be a new government with Olaf and others willing to cancel the debt brake.

one let by the moronic conservatives with an austerity fetish who actually put that bullshit into the constitution in the first place.

This is coming entirely from you and is not part of the article in the slightest. As stated several times already, it even makes clear claims against the debt brake.

So let’s not talk about party politics as that’s not what the article is about…

Exactly. The one being so strongly agitated by this article is you and I really wonder what you read into it that it makes you so angry. This isn't a conservatives vs social democrats text in the slightest but instead makes some general yet interesting points about the state of affairs in Europe given the arising challenges in our future.

A future, mind you, where it is vital for us to stand together against pressures from the outside instead of being completely self-absorbed and losing ourselves in petty disputes. Which is why I find it so strange that you chose to be offended instead of trying to listen to the author.

[–] Quittenbrot 5 points 2 weeks ago (5 children)

Don't you think it makes more sense to actually discuss the article linked here instead of having a general discussion about party politics and what media allegedly prefers who?

Especially since the article contains opinions that completely align with the commentator who criticised it so harshly.

[–] Quittenbrot 10 points 2 weeks ago (10 children)

they beg for return of the debt-brake-fetish party

As stated above: this article criticises the debt brake as "absurd".

[–] Quittenbrot 13 points 2 weeks ago

I read your comment and I read the article.

Somehow I'm under the impression that you either read a different article or didn't read the article properly.

It even also criticises the debt brake just as you.

[–] Quittenbrot 2 points 2 weeks ago

Ja, ich glaub das. Das Unionsvolk wurde fanatisch gegen die Grünen aufgepeitscht, als seien die der Teufel in Person, da gibt's nix mit Koalition. Lindner hat seine traurige Partei erfolgreich atomisiert. Da ist auch nix mit Machtoption. Und wer bleibt dann am Ende?

[–] Quittenbrot 3 points 2 weeks ago

Hat mir zu viel "ich möchte nicht mit anderen Meinungen belastet werden"-Vibes.

[–] Quittenbrot 2 points 2 weeks ago

Leute, deren Geschäftsmodell es ist, Leute zu ~~nerven und zu verarschen~~ manipulieren und zu steuern?


[–] Quittenbrot 11 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

Natürlich will er das. Mit Merz hat er ja auch nach der Wahl eine Zukunft, mit Lindner nicht. Und ob man jetzt schon anfängt mit de facto Großer Koalition oder erst nach der Wahl, macht für ihn gar keinen Unterschied.

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