
joined 2 days ago
[–] 20 points 10 hours ago (3 children)

Seems like someone felt really threatened by some boxes with a handful of words in them. It must suck to be that fragile.

[–] 27 points 11 hours ago

Just stop with the conspiracy bullshit. If you believe none of it, you'll be right 98% of the time. There's not much else in life with such certainty.

[–] 3 points 20 hours ago (1 children)

Looks around.

Nothing has changed in Michigan from when Kamala was up by 7. I see a few more trump signs than I did 6 months ago, but nothing like in 2020.

Trump isn't winning in Michigan.

[–] 6 points 1 day ago

I usually call them boards when I can't remember the name "community". There are lots of kinds of community. An instance might well be a community if you are browsing local. Board is shorter and my brain wants to use that word anyway.

[–] 8 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (1 children)

I'm certain that video probably got a lot of likes from folks who didn't get the irony which is probably why the algorithm associated you watching it with that crowd. (Also I'm really sus about the whole "joking about being a hateful prick" industry, but I'll assume your assessment is spot on here.)

[–] 9 points 1 day ago

I would've upgraded to 11, but either my computer doesn't support TPM or I just refused to turn it on. So instead I upgraded to Ubuntu. There are probably better distros but I had a limited about of time to fuck around trying them.

Mint is pretty nice, too. It felt familiar, as a windows user. But I kept installing stuff that broke the updater. So I switched and found it's me, not the updater, and I just need to do apt update/upgrade and dpkg -i regardless, but anyway now I'm on Ubuntu.

I still have my full windows install on an SSD somewhere if I had an emergency, but I haven't had any such emergency in about a year.

[–] 3 points 1 day ago

That's fair. Guess I was half defensive but also tying the identity party to their overall lack of empathy which is broadcasted all over the rest of their identity as well. Fuck you for caring sort of thing.

I probably could've focused more on the later and less on the former.

[–] 7 points 1 day ago (5 children)

I don't need toxic masculinity (or Jesus, guns, or American flags - don't have any of those in my life) to know steak and bacon and hamburgers are freaking delicious and I want to eat them a lot. I enjoy lots of other things, too. It's a rare meal I don't have some kind of meat, but I love crab and fish and chicken as much as red meat.

I suspect the correlation is more that if you can't have empathy for your fellow humans, you damn sure can't for animals. And I've never known a vegan who wasn't driven solely by cruelty to animals.

I don't have anything against vegans, and if the food was tastier than bacon and Ribeyes despite the lack of butter and cheese, I might choose it. But here we are. Maybe vat-grown meat will turn out. I'm not thrilled about how animals are treated, but I'm gonna omnivore.

[–] 2 points 2 days ago

So the question becomes who should that person be and how should they be assigned/appointed to that position and who has authority over them if they become corrupted?

Ultimately, that has to come down to the Executive (under the President), Legislative (confirmed like judges and subject to filibuster and the whole legislative process), maybe the Judiciary if you can find a way to wrangle that, which would put them under the authority of the Supreme Court, or appointed by direct election (which would 99% likely mean it just swings whichever way the President swings anyway).

That is the way our government works and none of these solve the problem of politicizing who gets clearances and who doesn't.

Traditionally, this is under the authority of the President and he doesn't ever get involved because why the fuck should he? But just like the Postmaster bullshit with DeJoy, the President can decide he's going to take direct control (by firing the old person and appointing someone amenable to his wishes).

The only protection we have is for the American people to look at their own candidate and say, "No, he's up to some bullshit and I will not support that." And far too many of us simply won't do that. Yeah, that skews right which means Republicans get away with more shit than Democrats do.

There is not a political solution to human nature.

[–] 4 points 2 days ago

I should've known just based on the insanity of that rate, but I think there are places in Florida that are that much or even more, so I guess that's where my head was.

[–] 4 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

The people ultimately in charge of that work serve at the pleasure of the President. He could simply fire people until someone does what he wants. Same thing he did with the Justice department. It also could be as simple as an executive order, but I really don't know that much about that level of the process.

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