
joined 1 day ago
[–] Lumidaub 1 points 4 minutes ago

The key concept you want to look into is feeds. They're as, if not more important than hashtags. There's a feed called Following which is all posts from people you subscribe to.

[–] Lumidaub 1 points 33 minutes ago

It might deter other people from bad actions.

[–] Lumidaub 1 points 34 minutes ago

The thing is, other shitty people care. They see how we treat dead shitty people and, because humans are irrational, see it as a reward for their behaviour in life. That's also why I'm against the notion of not speaking ill of the dead - no, people need to realise that they won't be respected when they're dead if they were shitty.

I know it doesn't matter, rationally. But humans are weird and care about what people will think when they're gone.

[–] Lumidaub 1 points 57 minutes ago

I wouldn't recommend learning to draw from scratch digitally no matter what software, but if you're not a complete beginner and you're willing to experiment with its functions, I don't see why not. There's a large helpful community and lots of tutorials too.

[–] Lumidaub 1 points 8 hours ago (1 children)

What I'm trying to get at is that people need to stay for a critical mass to be reached instead of going "there's nobody here" and leaving.

[–] Lumidaub 1 points 13 hours ago (1 children)

The latest version is from 2016 and Paint Tool Sai 2 had its most recent update in August, no? I agree, it's a good program, I'm just worried that "it got released in 2008" might paint the wrong picture :)

[–] Lumidaub 6 points 13 hours ago (2 children)

Krita (without any kind of unnecessary unsupported and unofficial AI plugins btw). It's one of the few free programs that I like so much I paid for them.

I've also been getting a lot of mileage out of Tiny Media Manager.

[–] Lumidaub 4 points 13 hours ago (3 children)

And how do you think that larger userbase is going to come into existence?

[–] Lumidaub 2 points 17 hours ago (1 children)

Huh. I've never considered the IA as a place to upload my pictures.

Really cool work - you don't happen to be on BSky or tumblr, maybe?

[–] Lumidaub 1 points 17 hours ago (1 children)

For the last year and a half I've been writing and drawing a fluffy, sapphic comic based on a very unserious British science-fiction show about a time travelling alien in a blue box (4 chapters so far). It's on AO3.

Has anyone asked OP what they create? What do you create, OP?

[–] Lumidaub 2 points 20 hours ago* (last edited 20 hours ago)

Nö, das mag nicht grundsätzlich falsch sein, es hängt davon ab, wie viel Geld tatsächlich abfließt und ob sich der Aufwand entsprechend lohnt. Aufgrund der Tatsache, dass ich mir eben nicht vorstellen kann (und mir auch bisher niemand überzeugend dargelegt hat), dass der Aufwand sich lohnt, unterstelle ich, dass das nicht der (Haupt)Grund für die Maßnahme ist, sondern dass sich hier jemand einen Grund herbeifabuliert hat, der nach außen vernünftig klingt, um den eigentlichen Zweck zu verschleiern - nämlich Bezieherys von Sozialleistungen zu drangsalieren.

[–] Lumidaub 1 points 22 hours ago (2 children)

Was soll denn bitte eine "Zweckentfremdung von Sozialleistungen" sein? Du gibst das Geld, dass Vater Staat dir gütigerweise zur Verfügung stellt, gefälligst nur für redliche Zwecke aus, die der geistigen und körperlichen Erbauung dienen? Wer legt das fest?

Und dass da tatsächlich signifikante Mengen ins Ausland überwiesen werden, ist doch auch an den Haaren herbeigezogen. Sozialleistungen sind dermaßen knapp bemessen (wenn sie überhaupt zum würdevollen Leben reichen), wo soll da noch groß was übrig bleiben?

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