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Wir sind eine deutsch- und englischsprachige Lemmy Community und entwickelten uns aus feddit.de heraus.

Feddit.org dient als Reddit-Alternative im Fediverse.

Wir sehen uns als einen selbstbestimmten Raum, außerhalb der Kontrolle kommerzieller Tech-Unternehmen.

Netiquette wird vorausgesetzt. Gepflegt wird ein respektvoller Umgang - ohne Hass, Hetze, Diskriminierung.

Alternative Oberflächen:

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Diese Community ist spendenfinanziert und wird von der Fediverse Foundation unterstützt.


Wir tolerieren kein diskriminierendes Verhalten und keine Inhalte, die die Unterdrückung von Mitgliedern marginalisierter Gruppen fördern oder befürworten. Diese Gruppen können durch eine der folgenden Eigenschaften gekennzeichnet sein (obwohl diese Liste natürlich unvollständig ist):

  • ethnische Zugehörigkeit
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Wir tolerieren kein bedrohliches Verhalten, Stalking und Doxxing. Wir tolerieren keine Belästigungen, einschließlich Brigading, Dogpiling oder jede andere Form des Kontakts mit einem Benutzer, der erklärt hat, dass er nicht kontaktiert werden möchte.

  • Sei respektvoll. Alle sind hier willkommen.
  • Kein Rassismus, Sexismus, Ableismus, Homophobie, oder anderweitige Xenophobie
  • Wir tolerieren kein Mobbing, einschließlich Beschimpfungen, absichtliches Misgendering oder Deadnaming.
  • Wir dulden keine gewalttätige nationalistische Propaganda, Nazisymbolik oder die Förderung der Ideologie des Nationalsozialismus.
  • Aktionen, die diese Instanz oder ihre Leistung beschädigen sollen, können zur sofortigen Sperrung des Kontos führen.
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  • In Deutschland, Österreich oder Schweiz illegale Inhalte werden gelöscht und können zur sofortigen Sperrung des Accounts führen.

AttributionThis text was partly adapted and modified from chaos.social. It is free to be adapted and remixed under the terms of the CC-BY (Attribution 4.0 International) license.



Matrix Room
Matrix Space

We are a German and English-speaking Lemmy community that evolved from feddit.de.

Feddit.org serves as a Reddit alternative in the Fediverse.

We see ourselves as a self-determined space, outside the control of commercial tech companies.

Netiquette is expected. A respectful interaction is maintained - without hate, harassment, discrimination.

Alternative UIs:

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We do not tolerate discriminatory behavior or content that promotes or advocates the oppression of members of marginalized groups. These groups may be characterized by any of the following (though this list is of course incomplete):

  • ethnicity
  • gender identity or expression
  • sexual identity or expression
  • physical characteristics or age
  • disability or illness
  • nationality, residency, citizenship
  • wealth or education
  • religious affiliation, agnosticism, or atheism

We do not tolerate threatening behavior, stalking, and doxxing. We do not tolerate harassment, including brigading, dogpiling, or any other form of contact with a user who has stated that they do not wish to be contacted.

  • Be respectful. Everyone is welcome here.
  • No racism, sexism, ableism, homophobia, or other xenophobia
  • We do not tolerate bullying, including name-calling, intentional misgendering, or deadnaming.
  • We do not tolerate violent nationalist propaganda, Nazi symbolism or the promotion of the ideology of National Socialism.
  • Actions intended to damage this instance or its performance can lead to immediate blocking of the account.
  • Provocations can be removed at the discretion of the moderators
  • Toxic behavior will not be tolerated
  • No advertising
  • No spam
  • No pornography / adult content
  • Content that is illegal in Germany, Austria or Switzerland will be deleted and can lead to an immediate ban of the account.

AttributionThis text was partly adapted and modified from chaos.social. It is free to be adapted and remixed under the terms of the CC-BY (Attribution 4.0 International) license.



This community is powered by donations and supported by Fediverse Foundation.

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founded 2 months ago

Game Information

Game Title: Tactical Breach Wizards


  • PC (Aug 22, 2024)


Developer: Suspicious Developments

Review Aggregator:

OpenCritic - 87 average - 100% recommended - 12 reviews

Critic Reviews

Eurogamer - Matt Wales - 5 / 5

Suspicious Developments' latest builds a witty, wonderfully generous adventure around a smart, rewarding, and endlessly imaginative turn-based tactics core.

Guardian - Rick Lane - 5 / 5

Guide a mismatched team including a Navy Seer and a necro-medic through this smart, funny, and resolutely empathetic espionage thriller

Try Hard Guides - Erik Hodges - 10 / 10

Tactical Breach Wizards uses great writing, genuinely well-executed humor, and subversive takes on genre gameplay and pairs it with a super unique setting to make what is one of my favorite new titles.

Shacknews - Josh Broadwell - 9 / 10

Tactical Breach Wizards is one of the cleverest and most enjoyable tactics games I've played in a long old time. A handful of useful features remove some of the genre's most frustrating pain points, and the forgiving structure lets you experiment with all manner of off-the-wall solutions, even if there really is just one ideal path forward. It's a blueprint for how tactics games should be designed, and I can't wait to dive back into it again.

PC Gamer - Harvey Randall - 88 / 100

Tactical Breach Wizards review: Excellent turn-based tactical combat wrapped up in a joyful, tightly-written story.

Paste Magazine - Elijah Gonzalez - 8.7 / 10

While I wish it was a tad more punishing, I still had a blast orchestrating complicated turns that involved teleporting allies across the map, utilizing diverse powers, and, of course, knocking hapless cronies out windows. But, perhaps its greatest accomplishment is how it escapes the inertia of countless other modern war games that feel like the product of the military-industrial complex. I guess all it took to avoid these tropes was not being in the back pocket of the US armed forces, a bit of empathy, and a guy who looks like Gandalf with a magic-infused M16. Who knew?.

God is a Geek - Mick Fraser - 8.5 / 10

My ultimate takeaway from Tactical Breach Wizards is that I simply didn't expect it be so refreshing.

GameSpot - Alessandro Barbosa - 8 / 10

Tactical Breach Wizards deftly blends deep tactical gameplay that rewards experimentation with sharply-written dialogue and characters bursting with personality

IGN - Jarrett Green - 8 / 10

Tactical Breach Wizards is full of magical charm, with inventive skills and characters that make it hard not to get entranced in its spell.

Slant Magazine - Steven Scaife - 4 / 5

Luckily, though, you’ll spend much of Tactical Breach Wizards in the heat of battle, and that’s where it functions best. Few of the scenarios are difficult, and intentionally so; the game is less about raw challenge than having you experiment in pursuit of efficiency and style. Many of the optional, more difficult objectives encourage you to squeeze 15 actions into a single turn or complete a map without letting the enemy ever fire a shot, which means constantly refreshing your actions and movements several times per turn. Even when the characters are patiently waiting their turn, there’s always a remarkable sense of speed to Tactical Breach Wizards.

TechRaptor - Austin Suther - 8 / 10

Tactical Breach Wizards delivers a fresh and addicting tactical experience. Using an array of awesome spells, there are limitless ways to complete the mission, making for a very inventive experience.

Rock, Paper, Shotgun - Nic Reuben - Unscored

Layered challenges, unhinged abilities, and generous tools to support wild experimentation combine with brilliant, laugh-out-loud funny writing. A tactics game that's as welcoming to newcomers as it is rewarding for genre aficionados. What an absolute treat.


-PC Gamer 88 / 100

-IGN 8 / 10

-GameSpot 8 / 10

-Shacknews 9 / 10

-Guardian 5 / 5

-Slant Magazine 4 / 5

-Paste Magazine 8.7 / 10

-TechRaptor 8 / 10

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