
861 readers
350 users here now

Matrix Raum
Matrix Space

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Wir sind eine deutsch- und englischsprachige Lemmy Community und entwickelten uns aus feddit.de heraus.

Feddit.org dient als Reddit-Alternative im Fediverse.

Wir sehen uns als einen selbstbestimmten Raum, außerhalb der Kontrolle kommerzieller Tech-Unternehmen.

Netiquette wird vorausgesetzt. Gepflegt wird ein respektvoller Umgang - ohne Hass, Hetze, Diskriminierung.

Alternative Oberflächen:

Werden euch Posts/Kommentare nicht angezeigt?

Diese Community ist spendenfinanziert und wird von der Fediverse Foundation unterstützt.


Wir tolerieren kein diskriminierendes Verhalten und keine Inhalte, die die Unterdrückung von Mitgliedern marginalisierter Gruppen fördern oder befürworten. Diese Gruppen können durch eine der folgenden Eigenschaften gekennzeichnet sein (obwohl diese Liste natürlich unvollständig ist):

  • ethnische Zugehörigkeit
  • Geschlechtsidentität oder Ausdruck
  • sexuelle Identität oder Ausdruck
  • körperliche Merkmale oder Alter
  • Behinderung oder Krankheit
  • Nationalität, Wohnsitz, Staatsbürgerschaft
  • Reichtum oder Bildung
  • Religionszugehörigkeit, Agnostizismus oder Atheismus

Wir tolerieren kein bedrohliches Verhalten, Stalking und Doxxing. Wir tolerieren keine Belästigungen, einschließlich Brigading, Dogpiling oder jede andere Form des Kontakts mit einem Benutzer, der erklärt hat, dass er nicht kontaktiert werden möchte.

  • Sei respektvoll. Alle sind hier willkommen.
  • Kein Rassismus, Sexismus, Ableismus, Homophobie, oder anderweitige Xenophobie
  • Wir tolerieren kein Mobbing, einschließlich Beschimpfungen, absichtliches Misgendering oder Deadnaming.
  • Wir dulden keine gewalttätige nationalistische Propaganda, Nazisymbolik oder die Förderung der Ideologie des Nationalsozialismus.
  • Aktionen, die diese Instanz oder ihre Leistung beschädigen sollen, können zur sofortigen Sperrung des Kontos führen.
  • Provokationen können nach Ermessen der Moderation entfernt werden
  • Toxisches Verhalten wird nicht geduldet
  • Keine Werbung
  • Kein Spam
  • Keine Pornografie / Adult Content
  • In Deutschland, Österreich oder Schweiz illegale Inhalte werden gelöscht und können zur sofortigen Sperrung des Accounts führen.

AttributionThis text was partly adapted and modified from chaos.social. It is free to be adapted and remixed under the terms of the CC-BY (Attribution 4.0 International) license.



Matrix Room
Matrix Space

We are a German and English-speaking Lemmy community that evolved from feddit.de.

Feddit.org serves as a Reddit alternative in the Fediverse.

We see ourselves as a self-determined space, outside the control of commercial tech companies.

Netiquette is expected. A respectful interaction is maintained - without hate, harassment, discrimination.

Alternative UIs:

Are you missing posts/comments?


We do not tolerate discriminatory behavior or content that promotes or advocates the oppression of members of marginalized groups. These groups may be characterized by any of the following (though this list is of course incomplete):

  • ethnicity
  • gender identity or expression
  • sexual identity or expression
  • physical characteristics or age
  • disability or illness
  • nationality, residency, citizenship
  • wealth or education
  • religious affiliation, agnosticism, or atheism

We do not tolerate threatening behavior, stalking, and doxxing. We do not tolerate harassment, including brigading, dogpiling, or any other form of contact with a user who has stated that they do not wish to be contacted.

  • Be respectful. Everyone is welcome here.
  • No racism, sexism, ableism, homophobia, or other xenophobia
  • We do not tolerate bullying, including name-calling, intentional misgendering, or deadnaming.
  • We do not tolerate violent nationalist propaganda, Nazi symbolism or the promotion of the ideology of National Socialism.
  • Actions intended to damage this instance or its performance can lead to immediate blocking of the account.
  • Provocations can be removed at the discretion of the moderators
  • Toxic behavior will not be tolerated
  • No advertising
  • No spam
  • No pornography / adult content
  • Content that is illegal in Germany, Austria or Switzerland will be deleted and can lead to immediate blocking of the account.

AttributionThis text was partly adapted and modified from chaos.social. It is free to be adapted and remixed under the terms of the CC-BY (Attribution 4.0 International) license.



This community is powered by donations and supported by Fediverse Foundation.

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founded 2 weeks ago
c/fussball@anonsys.net: fussball
a community founded 5 days ago
c/umfrage@a.gup.pe: umfrage group

I'm a group about umfrage. Follow me to get all the group posts. Tag me to share with the group. Create other groups by searching for or tagging @yourGroupName@a.gup.pe

a community founded 5 days ago
c/exit_revival@anonsys.net: exit_revival
a community founded 6 days ago
c/helpers@forum.friendi.ca: helpers
a community founded 6 days ago
c/caostest@anonsys.net: caostest
a community founded 6 days ago
c/linuxforum_de@anonsys.net: linuxforum_de
a community founded 6 days ago
c/grime@lemmy.world: Grime
Reddit Note

This is the Lemmy equivalent of our reddit community: /r/grime

Discord Chat
Alternative UI

On desktop or in-browser, you can also access this community via mlmym, an alternative Lemmy front-end that emulates old.reddit.

Mlmym works great for music communities as YouTube videos can embed directly into your feed - no need to leave the site to listen to a song!


Grime is an English music genre that branched out of UK garage in the early 2000's. It is typically around 140 bpm and features dark, heavy basslines and unique, futuristic sounds. It often features MC's who use jungle, garage and drum and bass inspired flows.


Check our new grime playlist on Spotify (also available on Deezer, SoundCloud, Tidal, YouTube) (courtesy of /u/Madbrad200@lemmy.world)

Related Communities

  • Do NOT post anything that isn't related to grime music. Grime artists making other forms of music is allowed to be posted here, so long as it is noted in the title. Non-grime artists may be allowed at times, however it is discouraged and generally reserved for artists/songs that have some affiliation with the grime scene.

Useful and informative content

Useful Links
102 subscribers, a community founded 1 year ago
c/prettygirls@lemmit.online: PrettyGirls | Beauty In Our Time

Reddit's arrogance in all but ignoring the mods needs has resulted in only harming our users. This sub went dark due to the terrible handling of...

207 subscribers, a community founded 1 year ago
c/undergroundhiphop@lemmy.world: Underground Hip-Hop

A community for fans of under ground hiphop and independent artists to talk about or share music

Check out these other communities!

UK HipHop


138 subscribers, a community founded 11 months ago
c/marchagainstnazis@lemmit.online: MarchAgainstNazis

An Antifascist/Anti-Nazi subreddit standing AGAINST radical white nationalist terrorists and other hate groups and enablers, both on-site and off.

95 subscribers, a community founded 1 year ago
c/deadcells@feddit.de: Dead Cells

About this community

Dead Cells is an action/platformer/roguelite game developed by Motion Twin, a French independent developer based in Bordeaux. It's available on all current gaming platforms. This community is here for anyone wanting to discuss the game. Everyone is welcome to participate! Please read the rules before you post but don't be shy, come say hi!


1. Be niceBe civil with fellow members and welcoming to new users. Don't flame, insult, harass people, etc... Avoid "git gud" or "skill issue" comments, and try to be patient with newcomers.

2. Stay on topicOnly post Dead Cells-related content. Gifs, screenshots, discussion, suggestions, questions, memes are all welcome as long as it remains on topic and somewhat interesting to other members (see next rule).

3. No low-effort or duplicate postsDuplicative posts about in-game occurrences (Symmetrical Lance's "can break shields" affix bug) or other low-effort posts will be removed.

4. No spam, self-promotion or clickbaitPlease no ads for your youtube/twitch channel or streams here. Posting a funny clip or an incredible run is perfectly fine, but it should be interesting enough to Lemmy users to justify it. Just because a 2h video has a hilarious bug in it doesn't mean you should post the whole video. Caps lock clickbait titles are especially criminal. Examples of things that are not allowed: "Watch me stream dead cells", "Doing hard mode runs!" "Speed run attempts today!" "DEAD CELLS TWITCH GIVEAWAY!!!", etc..

5. Posting guidelinesSee previous rules for the general idea. Be helpful to new players, try to give them good advice. Don't post methods to cheat in Daily runs. Please don't encourage newbies to cheat when they're looking for advice. No porn, gore, etc.

109 subscribers, a community founded 1 year ago
c/osint@lemmy.ml: OSINT

Open Source Intelligence

78 subscribers, a community founded 2 years ago
c/windows@sopuli.xyz: Windows

For all things Windows.

309 subscribers, a community founded 3 years ago
c/feddituk@feddit.uk: Feddit UK

Community for the Feddit UK instance.
A place to log issues, and for the admins to communicate with everyone.

1,292 subscribers, a community founded 1 year ago
c/Linux@fedia.io: Linux
a community founded 1 year ago
c/echsenmenschenarmee@feddit.de: Echsenmenschenarmee

Dies ist ein sicherer Zufluchtsort für Echsenmenschen, Illuminaten, Bewohner der hohlen Erde und alle anderen Spezien dieses Universums.

In Bezug auf die Politik der NWO und der Parteien sind wir neutral. Wir befolgen nur Befehle. Für Aldebaran!

Banner von Oliver Marx.

Schwurbler bitte draußen bleiben.

66 subscribers, a community founded 9 months ago
c/vaporwave@lemmy.world: Vaporwave

The age of global capitalism approaches its zenith. As the world fades into oblivion, all that remains is fluid ads and ethereal longing. Our senses, liberated from flesh, ascend endless escalators through immaculate synthetic realms - post-human, hyperreal, chemically enhanced, both consumer and consumed in a ceaseless economy of sensory data, pixelated and prized. Enter the Virtual Plaza, where you too will be embraced by its neon glow.

476 subscribers, a community founded 1 year ago
c/credibledefense@sh.itjust.works: Credible Defense

An unofficial counterpart to the subreddit r/CredibleDefense, intended to be a supplementary resource and potential fallback point. If you are an active moderator over there, please don't hesitate to contact me to be given a moderation position.

Wiki Glossary of Common Terms and Abbreviations. (Request an addition)

General Rules

Strive to be informative, professional, gracious, and encouraging in your communications with other members here. Imagine writing to a superior in the Armed Forces, or a colleague in a think tank or major investigative journal.

This is not at all intended to be US-centric; posts relating to other countries are highly encouraged.

No blind partisanship. We aim to study defense, not wage wars behind keyboards. Defense views from or about all countries are welcome so long as they are credible.

If you have experience in relevant fields, understand your limitations. Just because you work in the defense arena does not mean you are always correct.

Please refrain from linking the sub outside of here and a small number of other subs (LCD, NCD, War College, IR_Studies, NCDiplomacy, AskHistorians). This helps control site growth (especially limiting surges) and filters people toward those with a stronger interest.

No denial of war crimes or genocide.


Should be substantive and contribute to discussion.

No image macros, GIFs, emojis or memes.

No AI-generated content.

Don’t be abrasive/insulting.

No one-liners, jokes, insults, shorthand, etc. Avoid excessive sarcasm or snark.

Sources are highly encouraged, but please do not link to low-quality sources such as RT, New York Post, The National Interest, CGTN, etc. unless they serve a useful purpose.

Be polite and informative to others here, and remember that we should be able to disagree without being disagreeable.

Do not accuse or personally challenge others, rather ask them for sources and why they have their opinions.

Do not ask others about their background as it is rude and not encouraging of others to have an open discussion.

Please do no not make irrelevant jokes, offtopic pun threads, use sarcasm, respond to a title of a piece without reading it, or in general make comments that add nothing to the discussion. Please refrain from top-level jokes. Humor is appreciated, but it should be infrequent and safe for a professional environment.

Please do not blindly advocate for a side in a conflict or a country in general. Surely there are many patriots here, but this is not the arena to fight those battles.

Asking questions in the comment section of a submission, or in a megathread, is a great way to start a conversation and learn.


Posts should include a substantial text component. This does not mean links are banned, instead, they should be submitted as part of the text post. Posts should not be quick updates or short-term. They should hold up and be readable over time, so you will be glad that you read them months or years from now.

Links should go to credible, high-quality sources (academia, government, think tanks), and the body should be a brief summary plus some comments on what makes it good or insightful.

Essays/Effortposts are encouraged. Essays/Effortposts are text posts you make that have an underlying thesis or attempt to synthesize information. They should cite sources, be well-written, and be relatively long. An example of an excellent effort post is this.

Please use the original title of the work (or a descriptive title; de-editorializing/de-clickbaiting is acceptable), and possibly a sub-headline.

Refrain from submissions that are quick updates in title form, troop movements, ship deployments, terrorist attacks, announcements, or the crisis du jour.

Discussions of opinion pieces by distinguished authors, historical research, and research on warfare relating to national security issues are encouraged.

We are primarily a reading forum, so please no image macros, gifs, emojis, or memes.

~~Moderators will manually approve all posts.~~ Posting is unrestricted for the moment, but posts without a submission statement or that do not meet the standards above will be removed.

No Leaked Material

Please do not submit or otherwise link to classified material. And please take discussions of classified material to a more secure location.

In general, avoid any information that will endanger anyone.

#Please report items that violate these rules. We don’t know about it unless you point it out.

We maintain lists of sources so that anyone can help to find interesting open-source material to share. As outlets wax and wane in quality, please help us keep the list updated:


408 subscribers, a community founded 1 year ago
c/cpp@lemmy.ml: C & C++
872 subscribers, a community founded 4 years ago
c/kerala@lemmy.ml: God's Own Country (Kerala, India)

A place for anything related to Kerala/Keralites/Malayalees.

149 subscribers, a community founded 4 years ago
c/discord@lemmy.ml: Discord - Your place to talk

Discord is a VoIP, instant messaging and digital distribution platform designed for creating communities. You can post memes, stories, questions or advertising. Please tag the posts with: [Advert] [Meme] [Question] [Story] [Other]


  • No Harassment (leads to ban)
  • Advertising is allowed, 7 days cooldown (leads to post removal if not followed)
  • Flag your post (leads to post removal if not followed)
  • Cross posts are allowed from communities under (leads to post removal if not followed)

Gaming Communities

VoIP Communities

149 subscribers, a community founded 3 years ago
c/news@hilariouschaos.com: News And Current Events

For everything that is in the news and what's going on in the world.

49 subscribers, a community founded 7 months ago
c/privacymemes@feddit.de: Privacy Memes
22 subscribers, a community founded 10 months ago
c/konosuba@lemmy.ml: KonoSuba

A community dedicated to Kono Subarashii Sekai Ni Shukufuku Wo! lovers, either from manga, anime or light novel, everyone is welcome!


  • No intolerance
  • No homophobia
  • No racism
  • No porn
  • No hentai (only draw lewds)
  • No harassment

if someone breaks any of these, report it as soon as possible.

a community founded 3 years ago
c/stegi@feddit.de: Stegi Community

inoffizielle Stegi Community

3 subscribers, a community founded 6 months ago
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