Trigger warning for homophobia and discussion of sexual violence.
A series of 4chan posts. The first contains an image of Dumbledore from Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, and comes with the title "An entire party of That Guys". Each post is posted by a user named "The HypnoJew" on 08/09/13(Fri) between 16:32 and 16:39, and is a reply to the previous post.
Well, /tg/, I think I wandered into an entire party of That Guys [blanked out]
This is a story that I'm not proud of where I lose my temper and utterly wreck a game, but I think it's a share-worthy story nontheless.
First time with this specific Pathfinder group, I found an ad for them somewhere which I won't reveal for the sake of their privacy. I went there because I figured it'd be a fun experience since almost all the games I'd played for like five years had been online in some way rather than in-person. I brought a couple boxes of cheap pizza with me as my contribution to the snack table and we get down to business.
The GM: A big grizzly bear of a man. I'm a pretty tall guy, and he made me feel short. He was nice enough and fairly good humored, but he was a tad gruff and hamfisted in some of this tactics for "coaxing" players through things. I'm probably being critical though all things considered... His game was basically Pathfinder with 3.5's Epic level progression rules and a lot of 3.5 fluff. He also had a neat houserule about permenancy applying to any spell/psionic effect for a standardized ammount of gold for the spell's level, although they could be dispelled or disrupted as usual. I cringed when I heard that the story proper was going to be riddled with psionics, which I am far from a fan of, but I thought I'd grit my teeth and bear with it despite my prejudice against them. The plot was basically that Magic was slowly falling out of use as more and more people spontaneously developed psionic powers, and the rest is the plot of the X-men movies. I think that the GM didn't want to allow players to use psionics... but to be honest, I couldn't really tell because that went out the window way before the session even began. We were level 20, supposedly the best of the best, and were supposedly going to be facing epic-level challenges.