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Unofficial Lemmy community for https://obsidian.md

founded 1 year ago

@obsidianmd @obsidian what is the latest on the WebP bug?


I would like to use my laptop for note taking in class, and use an android based e-ink tablet for handwriting and diagrams. What are your recommendations for delivering the tablet's notes to the vault? Obsidian on the tablet with first party sync looks like a possibility. What about another app that can use SyncThing or similar that the laptop vault can turn pull?


After reading this post on how to organize people in Obsidian, I finally started doing it myself.

Immediately I was faced with a new problem: how do I organize locations? I could think of two ways to deal with it from the top of my head:

  • Each location has its own note, which is then cross-linked. So department would be linked to company which would be linked to the city where it is located.
  • Hierarchy inside a few notes. This would look like [[country#subregion#city#company#department]]

The second option would result in fewer scattered notes, but I'm unsure if that is actually desirable.

What system do you have?


When reinventing the wheel and coming up with a new clever way to structure notes or new info to add to the YAML, how do you treat your old notes?

Do you go back and apply the new format or do you just leave them as is only looking forward?

If you revisit old notes, do you have a strategy?

I would love to hear your thoughts and opinions.


I'm looking for a way to create a vault TOC in a separate note including all subheadings of each note.

At the moment I do this manually into a 00.TOC note where I list notes 1.Start to X.Last with all their subheadings.

I could probably do this with Dataview, but I would prefer proper wikilinks.


I have iOS, and use MacBook/Linux.

EDIT: Wow! It’s impressive how many different ways there are to achieve this. I tried obsidian git, but couldn’t get it to work as expected. Remotely Save is working perfect! Obsidian flew under my radar all these days because I thought sync was the only way. I’m looking into plugins and there’s literally a thousand plugins. It’s kinda overwhelming tbh. I’ll make another post for plug-in recommendations and workflow setup advice. Thank you all!


I've been taking handwritten notes using my Rocketbook when I'm away from the computer, and I'd like to get them into my vault via a workflow more reasonable than emailing myself my notes and then copying them to Obsidian.

Does anyone do this? What's your workflow?

I already looked for plugins and there are none.


Hi Obsidian legends!

I’m trying to find a way to do this:

  1. I type /@PersonsName
  2. Obsidian recognises /@PersonsName is a person because of the @ symbol
  3. Wraps in a hyperlink: [[/@PersonsName]]
  4. Creates a templated note in a specific folder e.g. /people

Is something like this possible?


One of the things that attracted me to Obsidian was the flat, local file structure that (in theory) would allow me to use other apps on conjunction with Obsidian by accessing the same “vault” (aka, file folder on my computer).

In reality this has been a bit more difficult, as apps vary in terms of how they access files or use file names.

I do use Taio alongside Obsidian on my iPhone and that works well. But curious if there are other apps, particularly on mobile, that play nicely with Obsidian.


Would you like to see some plugins which integrate with local/self-hosted AI instead of sending it to ChatGPT? Or don't you care about privacy there as long as the results are good?

You might be interested in GPT4All (https://gpt4all.io/index.html), which can be easily downloaded as Desktops GUI. Simply download a model (like nous Hermes) for 7.5GB and run in even without a GPU right on your CPU l (albeit slightly slowish).

It's amazing what's already possible with local AI instead of relying on large scale expensive and corporate-dependent AIs such as ChatGPT


I love Obsidian for everything but moved to Logseq a while ago because I find it better for handling quotes from books more fluid. However, maybe there's a better way to achieve what I'm trying.

So...I'd like to be able to write specific quotes somewhere and link them to a book. That's pretty easy due to internal links. However, can I somehow write (i.e. into my daily note) the quote, place a #quote [[Link to Bookname]] behind it and then display it (for e.g. with the Dataview plugin inside the note for the book the quote is from?

In Logseq I can do this using their queries and filter for the "nodes" I have a specific link or tag included while leaving out the rest of the page.

My main reason for trying to achieve this is because I don't want to force myself to have my quotes only inside the book's note (maybe 2 quotes of 2 books are connected. Having all quotes of a book inside the book's page prevents me from correctly linking) and I also don't want to create a specific page for that quote because:

  • this would create thousands of files that would at some point have negative performance impacts onto my vault
  • I struggle with naming those files in a good way when creating a file for every note

I mostly want to have this fluid approach of just showing / querying for the quotes I want to query after using tags or something. It's much more flexible so I just write and don't care about the structure or having to plan beforehand which YAML frontmatter to use, etc.


I made a post on the Reddit r/ObsidianMD and had mixed responses:


How could we go on about resolving these issues such that the migration is easier?

What do you think?


I'm trying to make my Obsidian use a bit more efficient, and I'm still learning the product as a whole. What are some of your most-used/favorites?


I find the idea of owning a personal knowledge graph incredibly intriguing, but I've had trouble getting started. To be frank, I'm not quite sure what to include. A lot of the information that I might feel like I would want to save is also readily available via Google and can be retrieved faster by Googling than by diving into my Obsidian notes. I'm focusing primarily on personal use-cases, so nothing for business or freelancing. What do you use Obsidian for? And how much do you use it? Tens of notes per month... Or hundreds? Or even thousands?


A colleague just introduced me to this Software and way of Note taking today. I was immediately hooked since I always liked this way of linking thoughts/notes but was never really able to implement that using your average Note App.

So from your longer experience, which Ressources (Ideally YouTube Channels/Videos) helped you the most and gave you the most inspiration or ideas for your own workflows?

I'm a Computer Science Student so I'm also quite interested in the Scripting and Automating Parts.

Thanks in Advance! (Glad to see people already created a Community on Lemmy)


Hi, I love Obsidian. It's part of my daily routine since a year or so, and I use it to store all my work and personal notes for the future. The main reason I use it is because of its note storage method. Instead of relying on a database, it utilizes plain text files written in Markdown, as most of you already know.

However, I have a strange feeling about it not being open source. The recent events with Reddit have only increased this discomfort. My notes are in plain Markdown, so I have the assurance that no one can forbid me from accessing them. I also take precautions by creating multiple backups, which provides additional security against virtual loss if I handle things correctly (which I do).

That being said, I would love to have alternatives like Joplin or LogSeq that adhere to the same philosophy of work as Obsidian.

Joplin is not suitable for me due to its reliance on database storage. I prefer to have total control over my notes. On the other hand, LogSeq is more focused on serving as a diary rather than a personal knowledge manager, and it does not use pure markdown, wich will be a problem in the future when (not if) I'll need to migrate out of LogSeq.


Which are your favourite Obsidian themes?


Share your top 5 most used or favorite plugins!

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by grabyourmotherskeys@lemmy.world to c/obsidianmd@lemmy.world

Hi everyone, I couldn't find an ObsidianMD community here so I made one for us to discuss obsidian.