Just Post

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founded 11 months ago

old ones resurface


Version 1 is better than version 2.

I finally found a use for AI.

Also, I accept Paypal.


This may have been the debate Donald Trump wanted, but it wasn't the one he needed.

With one last chance to make a pitch to the American public that he should be trusted with the presidency, the Republican nominee had to make efforts to expand his base of support.

He had to find a way to distance himself from the allegation that he has a history of sexual harassment.

He had to position himself as the change candidate - just days after a Fox poll showed that Hillary Clinton, whose party has held the presidency for eight years, was beating him on the question of who would "change the country for the better".

Instead, after roughly half an hour of something resembling an actual policy debate about the Supreme Court, gun rights, abortion and even immigration, the old Donald Trump - the one who constantly interrupted his opponent, sparred with the moderator and lashed out at enemies real and perceived - emerged.

He called Mrs Clinton a liar and a "nasty woman".

He said the women accusing him of sexual harassment bordering on assault were either attention-seekers or Clinton campaign stooges.

He said the media were "poisoning the minds" of the public. And, most notably, he refused to say whether he would accept the results of the election if he loses.

Mrs Clinton had her own moments where she was put on the defensive - on her emails, on the Clinton Foundation and on embarrassing details revealed in the Wikileaks hack.

The difference, however, is that Mrs Clinton largely kept her poise and successfully changed the topic back to subjects where she was more comfortable. It was, in fact, a master class in parry-and-strike debate strategy.

The key takeaway from this debate, however - the headline that Americans will wake up to read in the morning - will certainly be Mr Trump's refusal to back way from his "rigged" election claims.

That was what Mr Trump wanted to say, but it isn't something the American people - or American democracy - needed to hear.

Just thought everyone should get a whiff of the post-debate 2016 flava to temper the feeling that anything at all is "in the bag". Also - it's amazing, isn't it.


The dog in question. Showing tongue with hand for scale:


This guy has only made 4 videos so far but I want more. I just wish he wasn't shooting in TikTok format.

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by TootSweet@lemmy.world to c/justpost@lemmy.world

So, there's this guy at work, right? And I've been working with him for probably a year or so by the time this story takes place. Same team and everything. Kindof elbow-to-elbow. Good guy.

The company would take us all out to lunch occasionally. And this one time, 15 or so of us are all sat down at the chain restaurant and shooting the shit about whatever.

And the music playing at the restaurant plays a song by Imagine Dragons. And then some other random song. And then another one by Imagine Dragons.

I don't remember specifically how many Imagine Dragons songs they played before we even got our food, but it was enough in a short enough period that someone commented "huh, they're playing a lot of Imagine Dragons today."

And this was in the period when it was in vogue to dunk on Imagine Dragons, right? And so I'm like "yeah, at least they're playing Imagine Dragons songs from back when Imagine Dragons was good."

And I expect folks to banter back at me and maybe some folks would defend Imagine Dragons, but probably more would agree, or even take the position that Imagine Dragons was never good. (Again, that was in vogue at the time.)

But everyone just kind of looks at me awkwardly.

And I have no idea what's going on until the guy next to me leans over and lets me in on it.

Apparently the guy directly across from me grew up with the Imagine Dragons band members and nearly ended up in the band at one point in his life.

And I worked with the guy for a year and never knew that. And I kindof looked like an asshole over it. What are the chances! I don't live anywhere near Las Vegas where Imagine Dragons came from or anything.

I appologised, of course. He kindof laughed it off, but I still felt bad about it.

In retrospect, a piece of me wonders if the boss hadn't called ahead and asked the restaurant to play a lot of Imagine Dragons just to make the guy across from me feel special or something. But then again, the vibe this chain restaurant gave off was that probably the restaurant didn't really control the playlist at all. Probably it was just some XM station or something. (It didn't have a DJ or any speaking between songs or anything. Just music. So maybe that gives some credence to the boss-called-ahead theory? Dunno. Dunno.)

Maybe some day I should call the restaurant and ask if they're able to take music requests or whatever just to get some closure. Lol.


Before this starts: This is just me needing to write a hopefully not too long recent autobiography to get things out because I need an outlet.


I have asked that in other threads when I have talked about this, but I am going to have to put my foot down this time because people give it anyway and say that even if you have something else to say, I will not respond to a post with medical advice. I work with doctors, not people on the internet. If I want advice on this subject, I want people with medical degrees who understand science and are familiar with my medical history to give it to me.

Also, please keep the pity to a minimum.

I apologize if the timeline here is a little messed up, I'm mostly relying on memory because I don't want to dig up a bunch of notes.

My journey started in December of 2022.

I just started dry heaving every morning soon after I got up. Other times too, not literally every morning either, but mostly within 10 minutes of getting up almost every morning. Nothing every comes up. It's always dry heaving.

In March, I just stopped eating. I wasn't hungry or thirsty. I knew I needed liquid if my mouth got dry. The idea of food wasn't appealing. Even very light smells of many types, especially cooked food and flowery smells, disgusted me. It took effort to swallow my pills. After a week, I was drinking ensure and Gatorade to make sure I was getting nutrition and electrolytes.

Then there involved multiple trips, first to a clinic, then the ER, then doctors, then back to the ER to get tests until, about six weeks later, a nurse handed me some crackers and stood in front of me while I ate them. I did it without very much effort and suddenly I was eating again. I think I lost about 25 pounds, but I was quite overweight- 260 pounds and 5'10" (sorry, rest of the world for using dumb American units). So that was not a bad thing at all.

In May, the whole family got COVID in case you were wondering if this was COVID-related. In other words, that happened after all of this started.

I was scheduled for a colonoscopy at the beginning of July (if you're getting into your mid-40s, enjoy the absolutely awful prep). We went ahead and scheduled an EGD as well- that's where they send a scope down your throat. They discovered an ulcer. Aha! That must have been the problem!

So I take the Pepcid the doctor told me to take and then I had another EGD weeks later and the ulcer was gone. Problem over, right?


August 22, 2023. 9 a.m. I had a bowl of Special K. It was the last solid meal I have ever eaten. Once again, I just wasn't hungry or thirsty. I didn't eat the rest of the day. Or the next. Smells drove me crazy again. Just the thought of food in my mouth made me totally disgusted, like putting shit in your mouth. I went back on the Ensure and Gatorade diet, since liquids have never been an issue.

I should add that seeing other people eat or seeing pictures of food- doesn't disgust me. Sometimes it makes me sad because I'd like to eat it too- there is this Nepalese restaurant that opened here something like a week into September 2023 that I have been dying to try- but the basic concept of eating does not bother me. It does not make me anxious or disgusted unless I dwell on the idea of what it would actually be like to have it in my mouth. Imagining the taste is fine. There are restaurants I'd love to go to. You could think of it the way you might react when you see a really cool car or expensive gadget- "I'd love to have that, but I couldn't afford it." It's like that. "I'd love to eat that, but I don't have the ability to do so."

But then when it actually comes to it in my mouth... once my wife basically forced me to put a part of a single strand of cooked spaghetti in my mouth and it made me nuts. I couldn't chew it or swallow it and I just got more and more anxious until she accepted that I just had to spit it out. My wife and I generally don't fight, but that was not a good day in our relationship.

I went to doctor after doctor, test after test. Bloodwork wasn't surprising, nothing wrong with my kidneys, nothing wrong with my brain (my neurologist actually called it one of the healthiest brains she ever saw, whatever that means). I use cannabis for a different issue- treating pain for a really bad nerve disorder called trigeminal neuralgia. Cannabis sensitivity was also ruled out. I had a HIDA scan, which is about gallbladder function. The results were sort of between "nothing to worry about" and "possible issue," so I had it taken out in case that was the issue. Getting your gallbladder out is like getting your appendix or tonsils out- you're basically fine without it even if it's healthy.

On December 20th, yes, it took that long despite supposedly in countries with national healthcare, "the wait times are terrible," I had my gallbladder out. It did not help.

We were getting desperate, so I wrote to the Mayo Clinic and they accepted me to go there in March. But the experience was so bad, totally on their end, that I got a refund. We did discover a few things from that visit:

  • If my mouth was numbed entirely with lidocaine, I could handle a couple of small bites of food before I couldn't take it anymore.

  • There was no indication of anything gastrointestinal or neurological.

  • A behavioral therapist suggested that something (we don't know what) caused my parasympathetic nervous system to fuck up and I might have an eating disorder known as ARFID. It's only recently been categorized, it used to just be "eating disorder, other specified," but apparently more is known about that now.

Since then, we have spent months trying to find someone to help me. Either they didn't accept our insurance or they just rejected me outright. Finally, last month, the Charis Center for Eating Disorders, a clinic associated with, oddly enough, Riley Children's Hospital in Indianapolis, agreed to evaluate me.

That brings us to today when, by a very odd coincidence, I got that evaluation. They think they can help me. The doctor who I saw will consult with other health practitioners there to see about a full care plan for me. I meet with a nutritionist next week to see what I can do to work on a diet plan that is better than what I'm doing now (more on that below). Meanwhile, I need to come up with a plan of my own to slowly thicken the liquid I am drinking until I can take soft food and build up to a specific solid food I have a goal of eating (which will probably be something Indian). I'll be working on that this week.

She also began by asking my why I think this started and when my wife I made it clear that we had no idea, she said something that had never occurred to me before: it doesn't matter how it started, it matters how we fix it.

So... here is my life right now.

First, in terms of nutrition:

7 am, two Ensures.
9 am, tea.
10-11, possibly a "fun" drink if my mouth feels dry. I'm partial to Jumex Guava nectar lately.
12 pm, two Ensures, two V8s for electrolytes and fiber, also some fiber capsules for added fiber because fuck Gatorade and you have no idea the level of constipation I've had to endure.
Any time between 12 and 5 I might have other "fun" drinks if my mouth gets dry.
5 pm, two Ensures, two V8s.
6-8, a small glass of port. Or, lately, some Zing Zang Blazing Bloody Mary. Fuck yeah. Gotta have some enjoyment here. (The Bloody Mary is only 9.0 ABV, I'm not getting drunk.)
After that, I try to limit my liquid intake so I don't keep going to the bathroom all night.

You have no idea how hard it is to find savory things to add to this. Everything people normally drink is either sweet or bitter. Recently, I discovered there are some broths that are not just "chicken stock" or "beef stock" or "vegetable stock." It was a tough decision, but I have put my vegetarianism on temporary suspension just so I can have some savory things like Swanson's spicy chicken broth- incidentally, they say it's a "touch" of heat. That is a lie, unless by touch they mean slap. I mean it's good but I did not expect it to be that spicy. I'm not complaining, mind you. I also got some powdered soup mixes I haven't tried yet.

I don't do a lot of exercise because I just don't have the energy, but I try to walk the dogs at least 30 minutes a day. I usually have to rest after that and it's not high impact, but it's something.

I still dry heave every morning.

Some good news: I have gone from 260 pounds to 177 pounds. I have gone from a 2XL shirt to an XL (I still have a belly, I'm guessing I always will) and from XL pants to medium. In other good news, I no longer have high blood pressure or high cholesterol and have been taken off that medication. Aside from one vitamin which is unusually high, all of my vitals in the very extensive blood work I got done at Mayo are within normal levels.

There was also some good timing here because soon after I decided to take (unpaid) medical leave from my job, my daughter, who had been bullied for years for being too different from the other kids- she's queer, she wears punk clothes, she listens to old music, she's much more interested in old cult movies than recent popular ones, she likes talking about weird stuff like abandoned malls and what they used to do in insane asylums and the only video games she's into are retro games. She had a total breakdown involving her Halloween costume that I won't get into- but basically the whole school ended up piling on her. We took her out the next day, I quit my job and we put her in a public online school the state offers. It's worked out really well for her because she's getting good grades and finally building up some real self-esteem.

And, despite all I just told you, in terms of health, other than the low energy I basically feel okay most of the time. Just never hungry, never thirsty, and unable to take a lot of smells. It doesn't even make me upset or even sad at this point. It's just my life. I went to a meetup with a bunch of people I had been talking with on a small forum for years but never met. It was a great time, but I spent basically the entire time outside their house to avoid the food and cat smells. I stayed in their camper, parked in their driveway. It was comfortable enough, so none of that bothered me at all, but everyone else kept feeling sorry for me.

I hate people feeling sorry for me. If they want to feel something for me, feel angry because I am beyond it even though I probably should feel it. I actually cut contact with a couple of people because I just couldn't take the pity party I got every time I talked to them. This is just my life now. I've come to accept it and I am okay with it until I can fix it. On a day-to-day level, it just doesn't upset me.

Really, the ones who have suffered the most in many ways have been my wife and daughter. I have made it very clear to them that I want them to have as normal a life as possible despite this issue of mine. I have an office in the garage, where I am typing this right now, that I am happy to go out to when they're cooking. I don't mind not going to restaurant with them. But they feel guilty anyway. Of course they do.

On top of that, my smell sensitivity has really limited the places I can go with them. Any store that has a strong smell, I may have an issue with. For example, I have to speed by the hot food section in the supermarket. Weirdly enough, the one place I can go that is food-related that I almost never have a problem is cafes. Coffee smell does not bother me whatsoever.

If if I'm out with my daughter and she wants food, that's a real problem. We definitely can't get takeout. I can't handle that smell in my car, which really sucks for a teenager, although thankfully her mother is fine taking her if she's available to do so.

So yeah, it's been a year since I've eaten a meal.

I hope it won't be two. I don't know if I can make it to two. My energy keeps getting lower and I'm still losing weight, albeit much more slowly, but I'm drinking all the Ensure we can afford in terms of a regular expense. Ensure is also one of the cheaper options, especially since we buy it in bulk at Sam's. No one has suggested I'm dying yet or anything, but this obviously is not a sustainable situation in the long term.

I hope the Charis Center will solve this problem for me. Hopefully we'll also eventually be able to pay off all of the medical debt.

Thanks for reading if you made it to the end. No tl;dr. There is no way I am summarizing this, sorry.


There's an (original) Planet of the Apes one too apparently, but it wasn't for sale there. I'm going to have to pick it up.


Her name is Ghost. We rescued her 10 years ago. We think she's a mix of pit bull and dalmatian, although most of her spots have faded away. Her gums are inflamed and it hurts to eat. The vet thinks a full teeth cleaning should fix it. Apparently dogs can get allergies to the tartar in their teeth! Poor old girl. Eating is her favorite thing! We're getting her teeth cleaned on Monday. It could cost up to $1100, but she is worth every penny.

And on top of that, because her arthritis has gotten really bad, she's going to have to get a $94 shot every month. Again, worth every penny because she's part of our family and we love her so much. She's an evil serial killer of small animals, but we love her anyway.

The vet did tell us that even 14-year-old dogs who get the shot of the medication, Librela, are able to play and run and jump up on the furniture again. Hopefully she will make it to at least 14 even if she is a big dog. She's in very good health otherwise.

Here is Ghost when she is not sad and at the vet:


But it seems to only do this in the home tab. Search and subscription tabs still show the view count.

Now I don't think view count is much of an indication of quality for a video, but the number of likes even less so. It varies quite a bit even on video to video from the same creator depending on if a like is called out for, or audience type.

Certainly not the most egregious change they've made, but a bit of an odd one I can't quite figure out why.


No joke here. I just think stuff like this is interesting.


cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/18671905

Absolutely fascinating stuff. The power of social engineering, charm and confidence by two very young kids is mind blowing. Some very funny bits in it too.


The teen was seeing King’s court as part of a visit organized by The Greening of Detroit, a nonprofit environmental group. During the visit, King noticed the girl falling asleep, WXYZ reported.

“You fall asleep in my courtroom one more time, I’m gonna put you in back, understood?” the judge said, according to video of his remarks.

King then had the girl change into jail clothes and wear handcuffs.

“It was her whole attitude and her whole disposition that disturbed me,” the judge told WXYZ. “I wanted to get through to her, show how serious this is and how you are to conduct yourself inside of a courtroom.”

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