In An Alternate Universe...

226 readers
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It's an alternate universe. Everything you post/ask is possible and true, and all the comments go with it. Don't break immersion.

founded 1 year ago

Require .,.,.,.,.,. broadcasting fr.,.,.,.,., New York on a freq.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,., assistance. .,.,.,.,ting from Albany, New .,.,.,.,. frequency of .,.,.,. Require assistance.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,., on a .,.,.,.cy of 808.90.


I've always been a giant spider person, but when my boyfriend convinced me to get a dinosaur, I thought "what the hell, it can't be that hard!'

However in the few months we've had him he's broken furniture, chased the mailman and even once attacked my neighbors giant spider.

How can I make him stop? Maybe it's the food? What can I feed him that isn't as high energy?


Ever since the gemstone shortage, I've been self-aware about the maintenance of my puppies. Currently thinking about one of the following options, nothing set in stone yet:

  • refabrication
  • reprogramming
  • retiring

Per title, what's your favorite re?


After Xbox announced their Xbox 4 I was super stoked to hear playstation had the next gen console in the works. Its got a real cheap price tag of around $649 too!


What's the use of a hand on the top of the head if you can't reach down to scratch your butt? I know the other two are more suited for the purpose, but the other day, I was carrying a heavy box up the auger ramp, and my butt decides to start itching out of nowhere. I had to put the box down, scratch the butt, and pick it back up. If only the middle hand was a bit longer, I could have carried on without breaking sweat.